14. GoodBye~ Pt(2)

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Why do I feel so empty? Why do I feel so broken?

The doctors rushed in and we quickly went out. I'm starting to lose hope... Jungkook-ah please be fine... You were there to save me now don't Ruin me...

The doctors came out.

"Doctor is he alright?" I asked curiously while Mr. Jeon was pacing back and forth

"The operation has to be done today" they said while sighing

"I don't see any problem" I added while Mr. Jeon grew more restless

" But there is, the appointment you have is of two days later. But if he is not saved today then I don't know if he can survive." These words left me in utter pain.

"What's the doctor's profile?" I asked frustrated. That's enough of being weak.

"Well even if I tell you his profile, he is busy enough with his wife case. He won't make it. He is already frustrated." The doctor sighed and shook his hand in disbelief

"Well then I will do him a favour then." I smirked but the doctor stared at me

"What are you gonna do?" He asked

Pfft.... Shut up!

I left the hospital with Mr. Jeon and asked him about the doctor. Seems to be pretty famous. So the saying is true- after every man's success is a woman's hand

Seems like that

Mr. Jeon started to worry about his son. He was crying like a baby the whole route.

"Mr. Jeon please stay in the car... It is not a request" I added and closed the door

Mr. Jeon's POV

Just who does he think he is! I can do whatever I want!

Suddenly I heard some alarms and there I saw Ji-min looking very angry and drawing someone correction dragging someone along with him.

"Mr. Jeon can you seat in the passenger's seat? Quick!" Ji-min said and quickly as a reflex I went back

"Who are you?" I asked to a tall man with black hair and was so handsome that he almost looks like a doll.

"Jin, worldwide handsome" he replied without looking at me

Oh an arrogant beauty, isn't he?

"He was fucking with someone in his office-"

"Excuse me but I love him and my wife has a crush on him too. Also none of your business!" Jin said. Well this isn't good

"Sir calm down. Ji-min here is about to lose his lover and I, my son. We are sorry for any inconveniences but the doctor said to cure him today... Otherwise" I looked at Ji-min who was crying like hell

"Please doctor. I'm sorry for my behaviour but please save my lover. I need him to be with me" Ji-min said crying heavily

"Ji-min, I didn't know. You should have told that without dragging me out." Jin replied calmly

"Sorry.... I didn't know what I was doing!" Ji-min hugged Jin tightly and then loosened up and started driving

"My lover's name is Namjoon. The way you love him in the same way I love Namjoon... I know how it feels. Lets go now and save your lover, shall we?" Jin asked while stroking Jimin's head.

Jimin smiled," Sure doctor"....Then we rode off....

Sometimes inner peace is all we need
In the tears we bleed
Then once twice thrice doesn't matter
Because the tears on the face seldomly shatter
Close your eyes and feel this
Hold me close forever with a promise kiss

Care for you
Miss you
All because
I love you

How are you guys?

𝑁𝑜 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ||JiKook|| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now