16. The End

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3 Months Later

"Kookie! Come here! You idiot!"

Ji-min was running around and trying to catch Jungkook. But always failed as Jungkook was way too fast

"No hyung. You can't make me wear that" Jungkook replied and walked away as Ji-min approached stealthily

"Aha! Gotcha" Jungkook was finally captured by Jimin and Ji-min smirked

"Hyung. I promise to behave but that suit is a total no! How can I wear a pink suit when everybody present there would be all black and blues?" Jungkook's pleadings were unheard

Ji-min looked over at Jungkook and then his lips due to the proximity they were sharing. He unconsciously licked his own lips leading Jungkook to smirk

"Hyung... Dinner is already served" Jungkook spoke

Ji-min nodded still his eyes were all glued to the younger's lips

They moved closer to each other but when they were about to kiss

"Hey fellas--! Gosh stop making out whenever I enter" Mr. Jeon spoke

What a timing to ruin their advances!

"Dad, one question? Do you have cameras set up here?" Jungkook asked frowning

"Of course not" Mr. Jeon answered looking a bit offended

"You have a timing whenever me and Ji-min have romance. So I thought" Jungkook tried to suppress his laugh and was hit by Ji-min

"You pabo" Ji-min said

"No you are pabo!" Jungkook said

"What about me?" Mr. Jeon spread his arms like there is no tomorrow and he wants to hug his children one last time

"Please stop being melodramatic Mr. Jeon" Ji-min looked at him and said

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me dad?" Mr. Jeon bursted and Jungkook took this moment to slip out of Ji-min's grasp to go upstairs to get ready

"Aish! Where do you think you are going you little fella?" Ji-min tugged at his shirt and Jungkook awkwardly looked back and smiled

"Oh I thought about giving you some moments with my dad" Jungkook mumbled and smiled and asked his dad for help

"Dad... This cute being here wants me to wear a pink suit" Mr. Jeon shrugged and answered" what's wrong with it?"

"Dad! He wants me to wear a pink suit! Pink isn't my colour!" Jungkook shook his head in disbelief

"You know what... I guess I won't go... You both can continue" Jungkook sighed and Ji-min grasped his wrist and told "Sorry, I won't bother you anymore" with this Ji-min went upstairs and locked the door

"Shit" Jungkook looked at his dad who just threw his hands up "Deal with your own problems". Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked upstairs to Ji-min.

"Ji-min, open the door" Jungkook again knocked slightly

"Ji-min, *sigh* alright I will wear that pink suit"

Just a second after the door opened revealing a perfectly fine Ji-min with pink suit in his hand

"Ji-min you are becoming like my dad day by day!" Jungkook sighed and took the pink suit and changed

Ji-min changed into a black and silver suit. Mr. Jeon was in full Navy blue while Jungkook was a guy in pink

"Awww my baby" Mr. Jeon exclaimed and extended his hands to pinch his cheeks

Jungkook death glares his father for supporting his lover

"Alright let's go" Mr. Jeon said taking Jungkook and Ji-min's hands

At the church

Yes what you guess! Taehyung and Hoseok are going to be a married couple after just a few minutes.

The benches were crowded. Everybody looked at them not because of the pink colour Jungkook was in but because how handsome and admiring they looked(including Mr. Jeon)

Mr. Jeon went to greet Taehyung who was already there waiting for his lover to show up

While the two love birds went to find some space and they did found a good one. There was nobody there who could see them but they can see all because they were in the balcony.

Hoseok came and held Taehyung's hands and turn towards the father

"We have came here together to witness the most auspicious occasion in these two people's life.... Blah blah blah. Do you Kim Taehyung take Jung Hoseok as your lawfully wedded husband?" the father performed the ritual

"I do" Taehyung looked at Hoseok and smiled

"Do you Jung Hoseok take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked

"I do" Hoseok smiled

"Bring the rings" the priest ordered

At that time Jungkook looked at Ji-min and knelt down with a ring in his hand. Ji-min noticed it and suddenly started crying

"Will you be mine?" Jungkook asked showing his bunny teeth

"In one case" Ji-min chuckled

Jungkook stood up and asked "what is it?"

"Only if you became mine" Ji-min chuckled and nodded his head vigorously

"Park Ji-min you are mine and I'm yours. No escaping. Got it?" Jungkook asked as he started kissing Ji-min on his forehead, eyelids, nose, cheeks, chin and finally a long passionate kiss on the lips

"I love you Jungkook"

"I love you Ji-min"

They cherished the moment without Mr. Jeon ruining it and shared a deep stare and intense kiss
The end

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