6. Sokcho

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Me and my dad were all set when suddenly everything went black in my vision until I couldn't spot my clothes.

I tumbled to the side of the bed and collapsed. After what seemed like few hours I woke up, my dad had my hands in his and looked at me worriedly. Something's odd really!

"I'm fine dad. You should take of yourself before me"

"I can't. And I'm proud that I can't!"

These words..... I was already on he verge of crying so I took my dad into a big hug.

"Can't you tell that tumor of yours to go away. Tell it that I need you. Tell it that you still have roles to play in my life and see me successful. Dad...."

"Yah Jungkook-ah! I'm still here. And..." *DING DONG*

"Wait here dad. I will get that"

I walked towards the door carefully without stumbling because now-a-days I have been too nauseous and all. I opened the door to find a lovely girl.

"Ah sir! Mr. Jeon?" A cute girl asked tilting her head.

"Oh no! It's his son. What are you here for? If I may ask" I asked politely trying my best not to scare the little bunny.

"Oh Mr. Kim and his boyfriend wanted to give you these before Mr. Jeon goes to Sokcho.

"Should I sign or something?"

"Oh no it's totally fine. I'm his PA so it's okay if I just informed them. Thank you for your time. I will take your leave then... Oh and yeah! Mr. Kim and his boyfriend are going to get married at the end of the year and they have invited you and Mr. Jeon. The invitation card will be given thank you"

Oh my! She spoke so much but Seriously they are gonna get MARRIED? Like married-married? What am I doing? None of my business if they did get married.

"Who was it Kook?"

"A parcel for you dad, from your dinner partners"

"Oh you mean the cute couple? Yeah what about them?"

".... They are going to get married and asked us specially you to come. It is at the end of the year... Maybe not a good timing"

"How come? The marriage is a good timing in itself. So here are the bags and tickets. Let's go!"

At Airport

"Dad, you sure, are you okay? Should I call the meds? Should I cancel the flight? "

"Stop panicking! Let's go!" That's all my dad said and went to the flight number which we were going to board.

Ah! I seriously have a bad feeling about this....
I know it's short but I'm in the end of graduating so cope up with me..... I know you don't care but still informing.

Thank you so far for 21 reads!

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