9. HIM and I

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At the hospital (front desk)

"Yah! Let's go! It's all done" my dad swung his hand around my shoulder and said.

"Dad, where is Jimin-ssi?" I asked popping my head to the side to look for him.

"Anxious aren't we?" My dad wriggled his eyebrows.

I swear I have never seen a carefree dad like him. Even though its cool, it's still awkward sometimes. But it's good to have your father as your best friend. Can't deny it....

After the teasing session, I didn't ask him about Ji-min. I kept my mouth shut while we went to the parking lot. There he was smiling at us and waving his small hands to guide us there.

"Oh... You all took so much time. I literally got hungry just by standing here" Ji-min looked at both of us worriedly.

"Me too... Dad shall we go to some restaurant or something. Because I don't think he street foods will do me good"

" Sure! But there is one problem. I can't come with you guys. Actually I have some work to do" my dad looked me in the eyes saying some unspoken words.

I understood. I did. After all my mother died here after giving me birth. I nodded while Ji-min looked at me confusedly but not trying to question once he saw how tensed the atmosphere became with just one minute silence.

I waved my dad and turned to look at Ji-min who was looking at me.

"So Jimin-ssi where do you wanna go? " I asked nudging him with my elbow

"Uh... Wherever it's comfortable. But it's okay if you want to go to hotel. I will just take some food pac--"

Ji-min nervously hid behind me and hushed me not to speak a single word.

"I saw my father. I'm sorry but will you act like a couple having fun please. I don't wanna get caught..... not just yet" Ji-min spoke muttering last words to himself

I whispered an okay and hugged him. He is very small and it's very cute if you ask me. While it lasted I took in his scent... strawberry tart... Hmm my favorites...

"O-Okay you can... lemme go now..."

I backed away and looked at him. He was a complete blushing mess right now. Well I have an effect on him don't I? I smirked at that.... Wait! Do I like him?

I stared at him for almost a minute when I was pulled out by a sweet enchanting voice, Jimin

"..kook! Jungkook!"

I was still dreaming. Or that's what I thought... Because he was calling me by my nick name. His voice singing my name... This alone made my heart warm..... This is very strange. Indeed it is!

"Uh... Kookie? Can I call you that? It's cute and totally suits you" Ji-min scratched the nape of his neck while looking intensely at me.

"Sure! Anything... So what about food?"

"Well I searched some good restaurants while I was standing here. There is this one it's name is kinda cute ' Lavien en Rose'
I don't know what that means bt I think it would be good from all the previews...(blah blah)"

From what it looks like... Ji-min was hyperventilating. I think he is nervous.

"It sounds good Jimin-ssi. Let's go my stomach is killing me"

As if on cue my stomach growled. I looked at Ji-min and we both laughed.

Maybe it's a good start. I'm starting to live my life just as how my father wanted.... And I think I can get used to this... Especially him~~
I am the one I should love~ in this world! Here Jin has got me goosebumps!...

My favorites are (1) Pied Piper
(2) Euphoria
(3) Lie and Serendipity

What's yours?😄😄😄

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