12. IDK

17 2 0

Ji-min POV

Well that went smooth...

"Jimin-ah! Get ready! You are taking us for a tour!" Mr. Jeon said


"You heard him, let's go. Or are you sore from yesterday?" Jungkook wriggled his eyebrows at me

"The fuck Jungkook!--"

"Ah ah! No bad words!" Jungkook replied

"Yah! You taking... Ohmygosh! You two are still naked! Did you... Again?" This time Mr. Jeon wriggled his eyebrows at Jungkook

I laughed while covering myself with the blankets

"Dad. Out. Now" Jungkook glares while Mr. Jeon huffed

"Yeah right! You throw me away while you get a new loved one.." Mr. Jeon faked a cry and acted like a dagger pang his heart

"You are too dramatic for your own good. You know that right?" Jungkook sighed

"Yeah well... I just wanted some photos to remember... Till I die" Mr. Jeon looked away

Jungkook immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around him and hugging him

"Dad.... We still have month right? We will get it done. In fact the doctor even---"


Jungkook collapsed. I stood up and immediately ran up to him.... Mr. Jeon averted his gaze and called the ambulance

I dressed up, not averting my gaze from Jungkook.... I feel something is wrong and I don't know what... The way Mr. Jeon was so calm when Jungkook fell down while I rushed to help him and wake him up

Mr. Jeon finally looked at me sighing

"Ji-min I know what you want to ask... The way you are staring is too much" Mr. Jeon rubbed his temples while patting Jungkook's head

"Well it was before we left for Sokcho.... He worked his ass off.... Lived on vitamin pills and was awake at night completing some assignments and all.... He already has this much but he still wishes for more... He never did spare me a glance, didn't talk two soothing words or even asked Did you eat dad? Or are you okay dad? He was so in love with his ambition that he failed his health.... He is suffering from Brain Tumor... The doctor did say that its not that advance but will get complicated. I lied to him... Even asked the doctors to lie to him... He already ruined his life... "

"Mr. Jeon that means.... You are healthy?" I asked dumbstruck

"Perfectly fit. No diseases" He grazed his hand in Jungkook's hair

"But this angel here... Forgot how to live the moment... Forgot how to love... Forgot himself... But you came... You made him happier, livelier, lovelier... Thank you Jimin-ah... Idk what I would've done without you" Mr. Jeon cried on my shoulders..

I couldn't help it. I broke down too.

Ambulance came... too late... Jungkook was immediately registered to ICU. Jungkook ah, please be fine! I love you

The last thing I remember
Waking up in your arms
Smiling and shining like an amber

I hope you love me
'cause I can't help it
I have fallen hard from where I can't help me
Nobody but you
Make me feel this confusion
You love me, would be an illusion
But I would like to be delusional
If I get your love unconditional

I hope you love me
I hope you love me

I know it sucks... But I love poems... I tried one... And it turned out to be so so I guess!

Yay! Wlcm back!

𝑁𝑜 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ||JiKook|| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now