2. Dad's okay - right?

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"My dear son, I pity you", Mr. Jeon said

Jungkook was shocked not because of his emphasis on 'My dear son' but because of the word 'I pity you'.

"Dad, are you okay? Should I call a doctor? Did you eat something funny at that restaurant?", was all Jungkook blurted earning a glare from his beloved father.

"Should I yell at you or something?" Mr. Jeon asked sarcastically, " Don't make it seem like I am a bad father who only gives his son attention when he wants money."

"But seriously dad what do you want? Why you came at my working hours and --" before Jungkook finished he heard a knock at the door. He said come in and quickly he saw Lisa making his way towards him.


"Sir we have a problem", she said.

Not bigger than mine even though it's only talks about me and my dad with no end.

But seeing Lisa pant while informing me I grew a little worried.

"You okay? What's the problem?" My dad asked.

"Mr. Jeon I will have to take boss to the Gangnam centre. Sorry for any inconvenience I caused you. But boss hurry we need to check the centre", Lisa said.

I nodded and followed her to the limo where she pulled the door for me to set in and we went to the Gangnam centre.

How bad could it be? Right

Upon reaching the centre I regretted my last words. I take that back. It was very bad. Dreadful even to look at.

"What the fuck? Lisa when were you going to tell me about this? The situation looks like some war took place here", I asked as she looked down muttering something.

I pretended not to notice and went to the ambulance and police officer who was in charge of there.

"Are you Jeon Jungkook?" The police officer asked.

"Yes sir that's me. Now can I know how this happened without anyone knowing it", I looked at my workers being carried in the stretcher groaning in pain.

"That's what we would like to hear. Follow me sir".

I nodded and went with him to the Gangnam police station where a boy with black hair gritted his teeth seeing me.

"Oh lookey lookey. Who is here? The famous bitch Jeon Jungkook", two officers pinned him down but he laughed not feeling a bit of pain of how many innocent lives he killed.

"Dude soft up. Let me mess with this chick for a little while when I'm still alive", the two officers looked at me. I just nodded signalling to let him go.

"Oh so you are now pitying me. I don't need your shit", before he could say anything else I kicked him hard in the stomach earning a laugh from him.

"What's your name?", I said looking straight at him.

"Like you care", the black haired boy answered.

I kicked him again this time I was a little hard.

"You call that cute scratch a kick. Aw, so cute. Cm'ere let me pat you", he giggled but then turned serious. "Okay, let's start the interview but I would like it to be you know a bit more private".

"Okay but first tell me your name, correction tell us your name", I demanded knowing he won't but he actually did.

"Park Bo Gum", he answered monotonously.

Wait a second he works for me right? Yeah now that I look at it he looks exactly like one of my staff members. I realised that he was tearing and looking at me saying the words I never expected to hear from him.

"You know, you are getting too much attention. Plus I'm not the one who actually planned that and in addition I didn't know anything about it till today. Some of the staff members hold a grudge against you and even formed an ' AntiJungkook squad' . You, just you were famous. No newspaper or even news gave us half the credit we deserved. I was told to do that today and die if I get caught but I'm a coward who can't be loyal to either not the squad not my boss. Please kill me instead boss....", He said.

I nearly teared hearing him. Not only him there are more who hate me even after I dedicated my whole life to nothing but work.

As soon as I opened my mouth to say something to him or even comfort him a little, my vision became blurry and soon I collapsed to the floor hearing my name.

(End of P.O.V)
And end of Chappie...

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