11. Sextasy

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I, for a moment was shocked because of the words that slipped out of my mouth. Ji-min looked at me half shocked and half confused

"What do you mean you need me?" Ji-min asked furrowing his brows to get a clear idea

"I-I m-mean.... Ahh! Please hyung t-this drug is ungh..." I quickly unbuckled my pants and started groping my hard dick

Ji-min looked at me full flushed. His eyes didn't deviate from my dick but I watched him as he licked his lips

"Do you... Do you w-want it?"

Ji-min slightly nods and came close to me. Enough for me to pounce on him

"I'm sorry hyung. Punish me later. But I gotta finish it"

Ji-min silently nods

Ji-min POV

Oh how much I waited for this! But where this is going I think we won't be talking to each other for days. I don't care honestly because of what I am seeing in front of me

A total 10 inches dick! It's monstrous and veiny and red. I bet it pains

I quickly grabbed his dick and put it in my mouth

"Umh~" I moaned

Jungkook is clearly not in his state because he is fucking my mouth and going deep down. I am skilled, I can tell, because after minutes of his big thick dick deep in my throat, I didn't gag but moaned

"Angh.... Lemme have some more" I pouted when Jungkook came out and still pumped his member

"I... I-I don't w-want to hurt y-you... Fuck. Ji-min!"

I quickly unbuckled all my clothes and took his dick again and started lubing myself

"Angh.... Ji-min... Hyung! Don't stop"

*Smirk* do you think I will let this opportunity go? Thanks to that girl in the club, I can finally have you! I wanted to tell you that I love you but not like this... But let it be... Not your soul then your body... Either way I will have you

Jungkook groaned when I deep throated him. I looked up to see Jungkook fully gone!


"Yes hyung?"

"Are you okay?"

"... I don't... I don't know"

"... Maybe we should stop right here. I think the effect has worn off"

"It still burns"


Jungkook pointed at his dick. I understood what it meant. He had to have sex with me. I think I might know the drug. Actually it's a bit of ecstasy and Viagra which I call it Sextasy.... I guess it really burns. I have gone through that

"Jungkook... You have to have sex with me or else your penis won't erect after this"

Jungkook looked at me surprised by what I just said

"Don't think that I was the one who did it. No if you ask me that... And yes if you ask if I had any"

Jungkook's eyes widened again

"Ji-min hyung... Ungh! Ahh! It burns!"

"Shit Jungkook! Calm down and put it in"

He looked at me with apologetic smile and entered me. It's good that I prepared beforehand but he is still too big

I whimpered when he entered halfway. I took a deep breath and nodded so that he can continue inside. After a moment I felt him in clearly

"Hyung... I'm sorry... I'm gonna be rough"

𝑁𝑜 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ||JiKook|| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now