4. Despondency

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Did I hear wrong or something?

"Sir? Sir?"

"Uh yeah? Are you sure it was my dad's? Maybe the report got exchanged or something.... My father doesn't look like he is going to die any second!" I said, "How much time has he left?"

"Enough to recover all the problems that are pending. Plus he is still in the stage I wouldn't define it last but if you didn't do anything then it may be advanced. I have already got an appointment with world's best neurosurgeon. But I would suggest do everything for your dad at the least you can. Complete his wishes. All the best!"

"Thank you doctor. I shall be leaving now." I said that feeling grateful about the doctor's advice and walked out after paying and filling forms. I saw my dad standing lazily on the rim of the limo. My dad still looks young from however I see it.

"Hey there, champ!"

"Yes dad. And what's with that ' champ ' ?" I asked waving two fingers in quote mode.

"Just the mood? So how are you now? It made me so heartbroken to see you lie there. Are you sure that you wanna leave?"

"Dad I'm totally fine. And... How're you?"

"That's the first time you asked how I am in 6 years."

"Did the doctor tell you anything?"

"Yeah... That I have a brain tumor. The name was so long I couldn't get it in brain. LOL", my dad said that and I can feel something pouring out my eyes rapidly. I ran towards my dad and hugged him so tight." Aish! You gonna break me dude lemme go"

"What's with the accent? Its funny."

"Just trying something new. So are you going to fulfill all my wishes( the autocorrect went to fishes lol ) or are you going to hug me till the day I die?"

"Sheesh can't you be serious for once? You have a brain tumor. The emphasis part on Brain Tumor. Got that?"

"Dear son, seriousness can't get you everywhere. Sometimes it's body too" my dad said with a winky face.

"Dad you know I'm gay right? I don't want no tit or pussy."

"Son, Proud of you"

"So about the appointment dad, we still have 2 months left. So how about dad and son together time?"

"Are you really asking? Hell yeah! Let's go kick some asses. And what about the Park Bo Gum guy?"

"I already asked them to let him go. The paperworks will be done later on so.... About the 2 months! Where do you wanna go?"

"My favourite place, Sokcho. I still remember I had a honeymoon with your mother. I swear the beaches were so overwhelming. By the way it's your native place".

"Dad, I had no intention of knowing my native place".

"But you're looking forward to it. LOL"

My phone rang and Lisa had called me 15 times. It's only been..... WTF! It's 5:30 pm? I gotta admit now I'm worried. Lisa will kill me.

"Dad I gotta take this. You go ahead, I will come catch on" my dad made a pouty face, "... Okay how about family dinner, 7pm same restaurant? I will come for sure"

"Okay then go ahead. Take care and see me at restaurant exactly at 7pm. Got that?"

"Yeah scary dude. Now go"

Lisa: Do you know what time is it?

Jk: I know alright. Cancel all my meetings today.

Lisa: Sir, I can't. The reservation is done. The chief communicator is coming to check the things.

Jk: Fine. What time?

Lisa: 6 pm sharp

Jk: Okay will be there

Lisa: Boss are you okay?

Jk: Just a little down. Will explain everything. Get me flight tickets to Sokcho for tomorrow. You heard me. No arguments.

Lisa: Aye aye!

I must say this, she is very understanding and uninterested in my life.

At Meeting

Mr. Bob: I will leave it to you then. Feel yourself lucky

Jk: Sure. Thanks for your cooperation. I will start the project and ask for my best of the best to perform it.

Mr. Bob: I expected no less. I have to go thanks for your time.

Jk: no problem

Okay let's see the.... SHIT!! 7pm? Have to go!!! I called my driver and reached the restaurant at 7:15 pm . Please let my soul rest.....
There you go. The romance scenes are coming in a few( after 1 chap ). It will be good!!!!

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