13. GoodBye~ Pt(1)

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Kookie wake up! I love you! I need to tell you that! I'm so sorry! Why would you not say anything about it?

"J-Jimin...?" Jungkook said slightly opening his eyes.

I feel the tears that were threatening to fall were dripping down my face

"You idiot! Why would you risk your life for a petty reason" I asked and dropped to my knees when they started trembling

"'Petty' you say? It was my ambition. Hngh..." He tried to get up but failed miserably

"Dumbass! You are still trying to be killed huh? I can make it easy for you! Give me a knife!" I boiled up

"Jimin not today... Please" he smiled weakly and that became my weakness. I calmed down. Hoping that he would continue

"I didn't know it because my colleague or my assistant used to say I was perfectly fit. She gave me some pills to take care. They were calcium pills but I needed any vitamin to make me look less vulnerable. But I hit my head or something I don't remember and we went to a hospital and everything else you might have known right?" He asked after taking a long breathe

"Jimin? What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking of ways to die together with you" I smiled happily but his smile died down

"And why would you do that you pabo?" He asked furrowing his brows

" Idiot! Because I love you... You were everything I have been relying on these past few weeks and I like how you only gave your attention to me" I looked away not wanting to see the expression

There was a long silence

"Jimin.... I love you too" he smiled happily but added" I might not have much days here so let's make full of it" he smiled weakly but expectantly

"I love you Jungkook... I will stay by your side no matter what but don't worry you can still be saved. The doctor said you had 70% to still live and carry on the operation successfully!" I said while clasping my hands

" Geez Ji-min! Stop being cute or I will take you here in my patients clothes" he smirked

"Oh yeah? Try me!" I said while moving close

But good moments don't last long! I have remembered it as soon as I have a memorable moment like this his dad always interfered

"Jung- oh my! Why do you always hook up when I come in? Have some patience!" His dad said

"Mr. Jeon maybe you are right... We should have patience!"

Jungkook laughed and pointed at his dad

"He is talking to you" and laughed hysterically

Oh my the butterflies in my belly

But suddenly he stopped moving and his chest heaved faster

"Mr. Jeon! Doctor fast!" I cried and he dashed out... I rubbed his palm which had turned a little cold

Jungkook please make it safe! I want us together forever till we die naturally!

It's an amazing thing
It can make you do things
Which you wouldn't have done
Why is it so complicated?
Why isn't it simple?
Why it never ends beautifully?
Why does it break people?
Why does it teach us how to hate?
And most importantly
Why it happens so unintentionally?

I broke up my hair dryer and got inspired!

Isn't it great though?

𝑁𝑜 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ||JiKook|| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now