10. RiDe Me~

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All the restaurants were closed. Thanks to the time. When we reached to where Ji-min asked me to we found it closed

"..... So Jimin-ssi... Another restaurant?" I asked meekly

".... No..." Ji-min said turning away, "... But maybe a club? Yes, what about the club over there?" Ji-min pinpointed a club which looked extravagantly beautiful just like him. Stop!

"Jimin-ssi do you know what that is?" I realised what that club's name was and asked concern was written all over my face

"Yeah... It's a club duh! It's beautiful. C'mon let's go in and have some drinks!"

Ji-min held my hand and walked towards the gate of the club to be suddenly stopped by the guards. Of course because Ji-min looked like small teenagers.

One of the guards spoke " what's your age? And who's that man behind you?"

Ji-min didn't understand a thing and looked at me with a confused look.

" Um he is 23 and I'm 22. Now let us go in" I demanded and gladly the guard let us in.

But seriously the club had a name Fuck Me. I just hope Ji-min didn't know the real meaning. And also he is too innocent to know what it really means.

We headed in. I was shook with the loud music and the makeout sessions in private lounge and also on the dance floor. I mean the couples were seriously grinding on each other and danced.

Ji-min on the other hand walked towards the dance floor and pulled me along.

"What....? I don't... I can't dance"

" Don't worry. Just sway with me"

I did what he told me but it was too distracting. Suddenly Ji-min turned around so now his ass was up against my dick

"Ahh!" And Ji-min was still moving with the beat "Jimin-ssi please stop moving like.. ungh!"

Ji-min realised what he was doing and suddenly turned to face me with apology written on his face.

"I'm sorry... When the music flows, I just can't stop to flow with it too. Are you okay? You look tired... Maybe we should go back" I shook my head and headed towards the drinks where a girl smiled warmly and asked "what would you like sir?~~"

" The best you have here" she bowed and went to make something while Ji-min sat and pouted "She was literally hitting on you"

"Well maybe?" Ji-min looked at me and sighed "Sometimes I think you are too innocent for your own sake y'know"

I looked at Ji-min surprised and I opened my mouth to protest but the girl came "Sir~ here's your drink, enjoy~"

I quickly drunk down the whole in one shot and she looked at me intently. But suddenly I felt too hot to realise a voice telling something to the girl.

What's this burning sensation? Ahh! I feel something twitching in my pants. God! Please don't be a boner. I looked down hoping but all the hopes crashed down. I had a full hard core boner inside my most tight pants. I tugged Ji-min's collar

"Can we go?...I-I suddddenllly d-dont feeel goood"

After saying what I just said, I was embarrassed and hung my head

"Sure Kookie. If that's what you want?"

With one final glare to the girl by Ji-min, he helped me to walk outside. It was a bad choice. I was literally aroused for goodness sake but all I heard was the girl's voice

"Enjoy your night...*chuckles*"

I swear I'm gonna ki- shit! It's turning into a big one.

I recklessly held on Ji-min and walked to the seat and Ji-min started driving. After an hour or so of glancing at Ji-min from time to time thinking he was the best masterpiece in the whole world we reached the hotel

At the hotel( Jungkook's room)

"Are you sure? Do you need help with something?" Ji-min asked with his deep soft tone.

"Ungh! Can you... Can you... Shit! Nothing"

I walked towards my room closing it. I undid my dress and looked at the huge bulge. Is that even mine? Yes. Did I ever get a boner? No.

"Kookie... Open the door.. oh it's open?" Ji-min came in and completely saw me naked.

"Oh my... Sorry" Ji-min quickly turned back. I gripped on his wrists getting his attention

"P-please... P-please sta-stay.... It hurts and I don't know what to do with it!"

Ji-min looked at me surprised.

"You mean you never masturbated? Then how are you having a -- please cover up first"

I quickly put on the pants but they were too tight

"Uhm... I think that girl might have put some... you know drugs in it" Ji-min looked away

"Maybe... But I need something... I need someone.... I need you"
Behold for the next chapter.
Hold on for a rollercoaster ride guys


𝑁𝑜 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ||JiKook|| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now