3. The News

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Jungkook woke up when he felt he was moving and his father calling out his name.

"What happened to him? Is he alright?" Mr. Jeon asked.

The nurse and the doctor kept silent as they didn't know what had happened so they ensured Mr. Jeon that he will be alright and that he might have smelled some radiation that might have affected him.

The nurse requested Mr. Jeon to stand outside for a few minutes. Mr. Jeon nodded while tears were escaping his eyes and caressing his cheeks.

"Please be alright. I can't handle to lose you too", he said remembering his wife, "Just be alright..."

After few hours

The doctors came out to find Mr. Jeon waiting in front. "Mr. Jeon?" The doctor said catching the other male's attention. He quickly looked at the doctor and asked, "Is he okay?"

The doctor asked him to follow him and when they reached the cabin Mr. Jeon really wished he didn't come.

"Sir I'm afraid that your son has a brain tumor".

These words made him heart broken but looked at the doctor nonetheless.

"Sir, I would suggest you to take him to the best neurosurgeon of the world, Mr. Stenson. Maybe he could do something to help you. But meanwhile make sure your son doesn't pass from Depression or anything heavy. This time as a doctor, for the first time, I'm asking you to lie to him. Make sure he believes it and stays with you 24/7", the doctor said making Mr. Jeon cry as he understood that Jungkook might not be able to live....

He was ready to lie to him and he just needed his son to open his eyes.

As if on cue, Jungkook opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed with the patient's clothing on.

"Oh you are awake? Don't move just yet. Your glucose level is still down", the nurse said and walked to the cabin telling Mr. Jeon and the doctor that he was awake.

Mr. Jeon ran to the room and hugged Jungkook so tight that he started hitting the back with his hands and asking the nurse for help.

The nurse understood and asked Mr. Jeon to stand away a little. He nodded and quickly sat down next to Jungkook.


"Whoa dad what's wrong? I'm fine if you're worried about me. And yeah that Bo Gum guy shouldn't be sent to jail he just did what he was told", I said still worrying about him

"You gone crazy? Doctor please check again", he said earning an elbow hit from me

"Okay we will run some tests..... On both of you", the doctor said smiling

"Yah! What did I ever do to get an inch of syringe needle in me", my dad said and I bursted out laughing. Of course I couldn't help it at my father's silly question. He was getting old maybe doing a test or two won't hurt him

"Oh come on Appa it's just a test" I said still holding my laughter

He sighed and nodded

The doctor and nurse came in with two syringes and I must say the needle got me afraid.

They took my blood easily. But my dad was throwing a tantrum.

The doctor showed him that everything was over now and he didn't need to panic

"What the hell? You took this much blood. Put some in again", this sentence was enough for everybody in the room to laugh.

I was no exception. But LOL he said that to a doctor. My day can't get any better.

After two hours or so I was finally discharged. But the doctor called me to meet him in the cabin so I followed him and asked my dad to wait outside.

"Yes doc?" I said almost in a questioning tune.

He gestured me to sit down so I did.

"Um should I call you Jungkook?" The doctor asked. "Yeah sure", I said shrugging my shoulder.

"So... Jungkook it's good that I took some blood samples of your father along with yours. If we didn't then we might have not been able to know." He said

"Sir what are you implying?" I asked frustrated at the blood smell that reeked in his cabin

"Jungkook he has a brain tumor"
So guys this far.... Do you like it? Hope you do.

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