8. Wake up~

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At the hospital

I groaned in pain but woke up to find an unfamiliar ceiling. I could guess that it was hospital. I went to hospital twice this week. Am I really alright?

I heard a faint but sweet voice singing me the sweetest lullaby.

' Wake up dear, it's morning,
Rise and shine and see the bees humming.
Look at the sun all bright for you,
Wake up I wanna see you '

It was beautiful and I was wondering who it might be. I slowly opened my eyes to see Ji-min all messy and having tear stained cheeks. My one hand in his which he hold close like I was gonna escape.

He didn't realise I was watching him so he continued, and of course I didn't stop him. His voice was as beautiful as him.

' I get it you are upset,
But wake up dear the sun's set.
I want you to run in my embrace,
Wake up I wanna see your beautiful face'.

When he finished he again cried and opened his eyes.

"Jungkook! You are awake!" Ji-min looked at me surprised and struggled with his expression when he felt that he was still holding my hand.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't just.... Your voice is beautiful just like you".

Ji-min turned into a blushing mess until the doorknob clicked signalling someone was coming in

"Yah! Jungkook-ah! Don't collapse when I'm the one who has a disease! And what I'm hearing? You didn't eat food for three weeks? You want to die? Just tell me if you want to, I will pass my tumor to you!"

My dad scolded me. I guess he knows I lived on vitamin supplements for a living but why did he seem sad?

"I'm sorry. It's just that I don't want to lose you too. I shouldn't have said that" My dad shook his head, tear escaping the corner of his eyes.

" I understand dad. I'm sorry for not being the good son you wanted. I'm sorry" I cried and Ji-min started rubbing my back saying sweet words.

"You should be couple already! Why are you taking such a long time?" My dad squealed

Wth? I suddenly turned red and looked at Ji-min who took a step away and looked away in order to deny it but to his surprise my dad pushed him towards me.

Our lips accidentally brushed for a moment.

"I'm sorry. Your dad pushed me....." Ji-min said bowing down and looked at me in the darkest shade of pink if available.

"Dad! Can't you be normal at least once?" I exclaimed but can't deny the fact that I was too shy to look at Ji-min.

"Can't do son! Now let's go... I have already charged the discharge papers and done the paperwork" my dad said looking at Ji-min, "Stay with him. I think he needs to talk with you"

Thanks a lot dad! But I would really like to know Ji-min.... Personally.....
It is not much but wait.... Jk wants to know Jm personally so maybe some romantic and smutty scenes will come....

I'm sure you will be smitten (I guess)🙌🙌

𝑁𝑜 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 ||JiKook|| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now