13 (finally lol)

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Harry didn't know why he chose to ask Draco Malfoy of all people to go on a road trip, but he did. And he actually didn't regret it.

Draco was actually fun to be around. He pointed out landmarks on the drive and liked to play car games. He was also really funny. Harry would never have assumed that about him from the way he texted, but the guy had a dry sense of humor about him that was really amusing. He wasn't as uptight as Harry thought he'd be.

But that doesn't change the fact that he's not gay.

Harry, himself, doesn't know anymore. He actually does feel slightly attracted to Draco. He didn't know that he could feel that way about another male.

"Why is this my life," he mutters to himself as Draco waves him to the water. He trudges through the sand to meet him and is greeted with a face full of water. "Oh, you're gonna regret that!"

Draco throws his head back and laughs and it does funny things to Harry's stomach. "I'm counting on it!" he yells back.

They splash eachother with the salty water for a few minutes before Harry wades closer to the shore and waves Draco closer. "Okay!" he yells. "Okay, I surrender!" As the taller boy gets closer Harry reaches behind him and grabs a handful of wet sand.

"Good, Potter," says Draco. "You've finally-" but Harry doesn't get to hear what he's finally done, because as soon as Draco gets close enough, he smacks him in the face with the sand. "Harry!" yells Draco and they start wrestling.  "This isn't funny!"

"Oh but it totally is!" yells Harry as he flips Draco onto his back and pins him to the sand. 

"It is not! It's barbaric!" Draco cries breathlessly as he thrashes and tries to free himself. "You're supposed to be  Gryffindor, not a Slytherin!"

Harry guffaws as Draco kicks him in the stomach and sends him flying back into the shallow water.  When he rises, Draco is lying on his back and breathing heavily.  His entire body is soaked but it's already beginning to dry up in the hot sun.  His cheeks are beet red and his hair is sticking to his forehead. Harry doesn't acknowledge how attractive he finds him in that moment. He also silently thanks the gods that Draco's eyes are closed.

"Harry," Draco calls, eyes still closed. "I'm hungry. Let's go find a restaurant, yeah?" 

"Yeah," Harry nods. He helps Draco up and they head to the car while drying off with their towels. 

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