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dlmalfoyy I'm here

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panssss youd better be

hermi_one good

zabiiiini hurry up


Draco spots Potter at a table in the far corner of the shop. He begins to head over when he realizes that it may be a good idea to bring him something to eat, so he goes to the counter and buys two slices of lemon cake before walking to the booth.

Potter looks up with contempt written all over his face and if Draco wasn't used to that expression already, he might've been stung.

"Malfoy," he mutters as his gaze travels down to eye the cake.

"Potter," says Draco. He sets a slice of cake before Potter and takes a seat across from him.

Potter begins to eat his cake and is three bites in when he looks up at Draco expectantly.

"I'm sor-"

"D'you like me?" Potter asks around a mouthful of cake.

Draco's eyes widen even as he seethes from being interrupted. "What?" he asks.

"Do you like me?" Potter says, more slowly this time, as if that's what Draco didn't understand.

"Why?" Draco asks, dumbfounded.

Potter looks at him as if he's daft. "Well, I like you don't I? So if you like me back we can date."

Draco stares at Potter for long enough for him to finish his cake. Potter stares back at him and adjusts his ugly glasses and Draco's sure he looks like a fish when his mouth opens and closes repeatedly without him uttering a sound.

And really, what would he say? Of course Draco likes him. He has ever since they were kids, when he was having dreams about them being together long before he knew what the word "gay" meant. Long before Potter defeated The Dark Lord, forever sealing his fate as a hero. Draco remembers hurried wanks in the shower after quiddich games against him; he remembers stolen glances just before insulting something about Potter to cover up his own disadvantage. Seeing Potter during the Yule Ball triggered an attraction Draco would never admit to, and he locked away that part of himself for so long he had almost forgotten where he'd hidden it.


For the boy across from him has an unreadable expression on his face, a cross between curiosity and nervousness. And Draco can't stand it any longer. So he doesn't. He reaches across the table and grabs Potter by his collar, sealing their lips in a kiss.

"Yes," he whispers against Potter's lips, and really, he ought to start thinking of him as Harry now, shouldn't he? After all, he does have his tongue halfway down his throat.

Harry cups his jaw and kisses him deeper, getting as close as the table between them will allow, and Draco's immediately grateful he chose a corner table. They don't split for a while, breaking apart just to gasp for air every so often, only to dive back in and kiss each other again.

When they finally break apart, Harry's lips are kiss swollen and there is a visible blush spilling down from his hairline to under his collar. He puts a hand over his chest as his breathing evens out and Draco takes another bite of his own cake.

"Bloody hell," says Harry. "Why does it always take so much for us to express ourselves?"

"Cause we're us," Draco supplies and Harry nods.

"And I'm glad for it. Life wouldn't be nearly as interesting if we weren't." He chuckles and Draco joins in a second later, both of them standing up.

"Your cake?" asks Harry and Draco shakes his head.

"I'm hungry for something else," he says and wraps his arm around Harry's waist, squeezing his arse and smirking when Harry's face turns a pretty shade of red.

"Oh Merlin, let's go," says Harry, and they walk out together.

A/N As much as I love breaking your hearts, even I was impatient for Drarry to finally happen. Comment and vote lol. Bye.

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