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"Hurry up, Ron! They're gonna start without us!" Harry yelled to the ginger boy behind him. They were heading to the paintball field where he would hopefully kick Theo's ass and shoot Hannah for inviting him.

"Harry, mate, we're only five minutes late! I doubt they'd start without us!"

"Wanna place a wager, M'lord?"

"No thanks golden boy!"

Harry chuckled and ran forward to grab the door for the red head. He smiled as Ron curtsied and winked at him. 'I swear, if he weren't dating Hermione, I'd think him one of the gayest men alive,' thought Harry.

They walked into the field and looked around until they saw Hermione waving them over to the group.

"Where have you guys been?" She said. "We almost started without you!"

"Told you," muttered Harry.

"Shut up."

"That's no way to talk to a friend, now, is it, Weasly?" asked Draco, coming out of nowhere.

"Whatever, Malfoy," Ron replied with a smirk.

Draco answered with a smirk of his own and handed them each a gun and a pair of goggles. "That's basically all you get," he said. "Hope you don't die."

"Alright!" yelled the employee of the paintball company. "My name is Vanessa! I will be overseeing your game today! There will be no pushing, shoving, or kicking of any kind. Anyone who feels the need to do so will be promptly thrown out of the park!" She narrowed her eyes and scanned the group threateningly.

"Who don't Lavender and Parvati have guns?" Harry asked Hermione.

"They opted out. We had too many people."

"No shooting people in the face! It can and will cause severe blisters! And if you can help it, don't hurt yourselves trying to make a shot! We're trying to have fun here, not get sent to the ER!

"Do not take your goggles off during the match! This will expose your eyes and can be very dangerous if you were to get shot in them! You could go blind! I will be handing out helmets shortly! Getting shot in the temple can result in a severe concussion and even death!"

"There go my chances of killing Nott," whispered Draco.

"Don't give up hope just yet," Blaise whispered back.

"Please do not jump on the walls! They're not sturdy! And for God's sake, people, no actively trying to kill each other! Not grab a helmet and go have some fun! There are no teams! This is an every man for himself battle! Everyone is your enemy!"

Everyone grabbed a helmet and rushed onto the field, eager to find a good hiding place for the tournament. Vanessa smiled and headed over to her viewing box to access the megaphone. "Alright, soldiers! On your mark, get steady, fire!"

Harry immediately aimed his gun over the piece of plywood he was hiding under and shot at Pansy who seemed happy to be out quickly. He then aimed for Luna who dodged and shot back at him. He ducked back below his stronghold and looked around him. He was in a corner. It would be difficult to sneak up from behind him and take him out.

He heard a scream from Neville and a laugh from Ginny so he figured he was out. He peeked back over the plywood and saw Blaise shooting at someone so he quickly shot at him but missed and ducked back under. Then he heard Blaise's scream and peeked back over. Theo laughed and shot at Ginny, missing her by just a hair.

Great. Now he would have to head all the way over to the other side of the stadium to get to Theo. He saw Draco heading towards him and immediately held his gun up but didn't shoot. Draco shot blindly at the people trying to shoot him then dove and rolled behind Harry's plywood.

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