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Holy shit.

Pansy had set him up.

Because across the room, standing in front of a wall of cassette tapes and talking casually to Dean was...

"Is that Harry?"

Pansy linked her arm with his and walked towards a row of clay sculptures. "Yes, it's Harry," she said, exasperatedly. "Do keep up, darling."

"You set me up," said Draco, mystified.

"And I did a damn good job of it too."

Draco shoved her lightly and looked anxiously behind him, where, indeed, Harry was speaking to Dean, lemon and cucumber water in his hand. He could see the water swishing around as the boy waved his hands animatedly.

"He's so happy," said Draco sadly. "It's like he doesn't even miss me."

"Oh, stop whining, darling," Pansy said, rolling her eyes. "He does miss you. Calm down."

"Is he bi? He didn't tell me he was bi!" Draco turned fully around, eyes wide as Luna came up and kissed Harry on the cheek, causing him to blush. Pansy grumbled something under her breath about him being a fucking idiot and Luna being gay for Ginny Weasley and she dragged him to the opposite side of the room.

Draco struggled for a second before letting himself be pulled away towards a beautiful orange painting. It looked like fire almost. There was script under it, next to the initials C.D.

You worked your way into my heart
Leaving fire in your wake
I could never let us part
You can never hear me say
That I'm thinkin' bout you
And I don't know what to do
The orange fire kept me warm
But now you've left me feeling blue

Draco frowned. The poem reminded him of Harry and his possible newfound love. He had the sneaking suspicion that he was being unreasonable and paranoid, but he quickly pushed the thoughts down, thinking about the way Harry had blushed and looked at Luna fondly.

Of course he knew that Luna was dating Ginny. But what if Harry looked at someone else like that as well in a more than platonic way? What if that was why he'd left Draco? What if he'd found someone else and thought that Draco was with Nott?

Well, Draco wouldn't stand for that. He just wouldn't. So he did the only thing that he could think of to save his pride.

He turned around, quick as a whip, and dipped Pansy, kissing her full on the lips.

He faintly heard a cup drop, followed by curious whispers going around the room. Pansy knotted her hands in his hair and pulled sharply, causing him to drop her.

She cursed as she landed and he sheepishly helped her up. "What the fuck?" she said. "You're gay."

"That's the only thing you find wrong with this situation?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

"Quite frankly, this entire situation is ridiculous and we don't have time to unravel it, so I'm not even going to try to figure out what was going through your head."


He turned and saw Harry staring at them with wide eyes, looking back and forth between them as if he could somehow come up with an explanation of the situation at hand by looking at their faces.

He cleared his throat and sniffed haughtily. "Harry," he said faux disdainfully. "What a suprise to see you in such an establishment today. I'm here with my g-" he coughed, "my girlfriend, Pansy. You've met before if I remember correctly."

"You're gay," said Harry. "We dated. We're on a break. We're planning to get back together."

"Oh, I've changed my mind on that arrangement, actually," Draco lied. People were looking back and forth between them, trying to understand the conversation happening between them. "You see, I'm madly in love with Pansy, here, and I would hate to break her heart."

Harry snorted and sauntered towards him, stopping just in front of his face. He could feel him breathing. "Say, Pansy," he said without taking his eyes off the boy in front of him, "d'you think he'll be too upset if I kissed him right now?"

"No, not at all," said Pansy, the bint. Draco scowled at the betrayal. "He's dying for it, really. I'm sure we can go back to being just friends."

"No we can't," said Draco. "You suck."

"No, you."

Harry smirked and looped his arms around Draco’s waist, drawing him close. "I've been thinking about you," he said. "Did you see Ced's painting?" Draco nodded. "It reminded me of you. I can't get you out of my head."

"I don't really think you should," said Draco breathily.

"Me either," said Harry.

Then they kissed.

And Draco’s world exploded.

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