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In a chat with that_golden_boi

I'm sorry

I dont believe you.
All you've been doing
is trying to make my
life hell

I know. I'm

Please believe me


I just want my
friends back

Ig ur gonna have to
work for it


Harry and Draco were walking through a park, hand in hand, just enjoying each other's company. Harry had suggested that they leave their phones at his flat for the day, hoping it would help them connect more. However, Draco (impolitely) declined, meaning Harry had to wrestle his phone from him and vanish it. That way he knew where it was, but Draco didn't. Needless to say, Draco was not happy, yet somehow Harry got him to come anyway.

"Do you know," he began, "that Nott is trying to apologize?"

Draco nodded, a scowl on his face. "Stupid git," he said.

"D'you think we should-"

"No, Harry," Draco cut him off, pulling him to a bench so they could sit down. "He doesn't deserve it."

Harry frowned. "But he seemed pretty sincere."

"Slytherins happen to be good liars," said Draco, laying his head on Harry's shoulder. "Doesn't mean you should believe him."

Harry snorted and wrapped his arm around Draco. "Like when you made a huge scene and tried to paint Pansy as your girlfriend even though everyone already knew you were a gay man?"


They both laughed and Harry turned to face Draco, laying a delicate hand on his jaw. "So we're not forgiving Nott?"

Huffing, Draco rolled his eyes. "That," he said, "should have been self explanatory."

Harry laughed some more and leaned in to kiss Draco. However, the gentle kiss that he had intended turned into a breathless snog, so he pulled back before they got too worked up. They were in public after all.

"You wanna go back to my flat?" he murmured against Draco’s lips.

Draco hummed, pulling one of Harry's hands from his back and pressing it to his crotch. "Does it feel like I wanna go back to your flat?"

Harry took a shaky breath and pulled Draco up off the bench. "Okay," he croaked. "Yes, okay."

Draco smirked at him. "Wanna Slytherin-to my pants, Potter?" he asked.

Harry's eyes got impossibly wide and he pulled Draco flush against him and apparated before he jumped him right there in the park. And so it seemed that, yes, he very much did want to Slytherin.

A/N spicyyy🌶🌶

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