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Theo couldn't believe his luck.

He was currently at a gay club with some random bloke talking to him about something or other. He could smell the whiskey on the man's breath, he was so close. There were strobe lights temporarily blinding him every few seconds and smoke wafting through the air coming from a few men in the corner. People were half naked and on the dancefloor grinding with so much uch vigor that they could rival porn stars.

Theo wasn't particularly having a good time. The music was too loud and his tequila was too salty and it smelled of sex and must. But what would he do if he didn't pull? Sit at home and wallow in self-pity? He'd lost his chance with Draco, but a one night stand would be a good distraction.


He could feel himself sweating in the heat of the room and shrugged off his leather jacket, feeling rather that seeing the man look him up and down. He rolled his eyes. Honestly, some people just had no manners.

He checked his phone and opened Instagram. The man in front of him saw that he wasn't interested and promptly turned to some other bloke to chat with. Theo honestly couldn't care less. The app finally loaded and the first picture that popped onto his feed was...

Oh. It seemed that Potter and Draco were very happy together.

No longer feeling up to drinking, Theo drained the rest of his glass and left the bar. He'd had enough of this. This unfairness. He deserved Draco, not Potter. This simply wouldn't do.

But it was too late. There was nothing to be done. They were...

The were in love. And Theo could do nothing about it.


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Liked by the.hottest.weasley, par_ti and 946,331 others

that_golden_boi so @deannotwinchester drew us and I am in love

View 8586 comments

deannotwinchester ur welcome

dlmalfoyy merlin, I'm hot

panssss @dlmalfoyy prettyboi

hermi_one @deannotwinchester that's amazing, you're very talented

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