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Draco awoke from his daydream by a sharp rapping on his door.

"I'm coming! Shut the fuck up!" he yelled as he got up from the couch and headed towards the door. He opened it to reveal Pansy.

"What the fuck did you do?" she snarled at him. "Granger's been bugging me all day about what went down between you and Potter and the best I can come up with is that you were being an arsehole. Again."

Draco sighed and headed to his kitchen to grab a bottle of firewhiskey. "Want some?" he asked as he poured himself a finger. "It's goblin."

She rolled her eyes and nodded, dropping down on the couch gracelessly and propping her legs up on the coffee table. "Dracock," she said. "Alcohol won't keep me away from the truth."

Draco headed over with the two glasses and sat down next to her. "He's gay, Pansy. And I suggested that he might've liked me, and he did. And I teased him about it."

Pansy punched him in the arm and knocked back her glass, setting it down on the table. "Like a fucking five year old?" Draco nodded. "Why the fuck would you do that? You like him."

Draco snorted and knocked back his own drink. "Fuck if I know."

She looked at him with a derisive look on her face. "You need to apologize," she said.

"I did."

"In person."

Draco snorted again and got up to pour himself another finger of whiskey. "I think the fuck not." He drank this glass more slowly, savoring the burn as it slid down his throat. Fucking Potter. Trust him to throw a fucking fit even after you've apologized. It's not Draco's fault that he's gay.

"You will. I already told him you would meet him at Madam Puddifoot's. If you don't show up I'll  fucking kill you."

Draco rolled his eyes and sighed, drinking down the last of his whiskey. "What time?"

"Five-thirty. Be there or be prepared to die," said Pansy, getting up and brushing the nonexistent dust off her skirt. "Ta-ta, darling. I hope to hear all about your wonderful evening with Potter." And then she was gone.


A/N We love Pansy, right? Anywaysss, if you're not living your fucking dream, you can read about living it along with Kiya_leene 's characters in Under One Roof. It's fucking great, I promise.

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