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Harry Potter has been in the press for many things. He's been in the Profit for supposedly dating Hermione, for being a Triwizard Champion, for being the Boy Who Lived, so on and so forth.

He dated Ginny and made headlines. He revealed that he kissed Cho and made the cover of Witch Weekly. Harry knew about people knowing more than he wanted them to know. But he never told them his secrets. So how did he tell Ron that he's gay?

Did he just spit it out? Did he work his way around it until he couldn't anymore? Did he send a letter and hope for the best?

Harry Potter had been in the press for a lot of things. But they were never as big and personal as being gay.


Harry didn't know what that would mean for him, his relationship with Draco, or, most importantly, his relationship with Ron. He knew that Ron had a bit of a temper, and if he assumed that Harry left Ginny for blokes he would throw a fit. He hoped Ron would hear him out.

A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. "Harry, mate! Open up!"


He rushed down the stairs and opened the door for Ron. The redhead looked a bit frazzled, but concerned none the less.

"Why did we need to talk, mate?" he said, removing his jacket and tossing it onto the nearest chair.

Harry's mouth opened and closed, but he didn't utter a sound. He looked  down at his shoes and stuffed his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.

“Harry?” said Ron, concerned. “You know you can tell me anything, ri-”

“I'm gay.”

Silence. Then -- “You're what?”

“Gay. I'm gay, Ron.”

Harry expected a slap to his face. A punch to his jaw. He expected anything other than what Ron did.

He hugged him.

He hugged him like he was trying to squeeze the air out of his lungs, like he was trying to pop his head off by increasing the pressure in his body. Ron hugged like he played chess; he hugged like he blocked goals during Quidditch. He gave his everything. He put aside any worries he might've had and just did it.

And Harry? He cried. He cried and cried and cried some more.

“It's okay, mate. It's alright.”

“I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't accepted me.”

“What do you take me for? I'm your best mate!” Ron said incredulously and gripped him even tighter. Harry eventually stopped crying. He took a deep breath, and stepped away from the embrace.

“That's not all,” he said and Ron sat down in an armchair, propping his feet up onto the coffee table.

“Nothing you say can surprise me now, mate,” he said. “I've heard it all. Unless you tell me you're in love with Malfoy or something, the shock factor for anything you say has now been reduced to a zero.”

Harry stayed silent and sat down on the couch. “Ron,” he croaked. “You're about to be shocked.”

Ron's eyes widened comically and his jaw dropped open.

“Really, Harry?!” he cried. “Malfoy?!”

“Yeah, Ron, sorry.”

Ron put his head into his hands and did a long exaggerated moan.

“That bad, huh?”

Ron peeked through two of his fingers  and glared. “No, mate. It's not Malfoy. He's fine. But I owe Hermione twenty gallons now.”

Harry laughed and soon enough Ron joined him.

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