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One month later...

In a chat with i_lovegood

Expect company
in a few minutes

Uhh, okay

Also, get dressed.
Business casual


Harry slipped on a black and red jacket over his gray shirt. He thought he looked pretty good. Perhaps not "business casual," but close enough.

He heard a soft knock on the door and went to open it, assuming it was Luna. There she stood in a black skirt, black tights, and a white button up, complete with a black bow tie. She smiled at him knowlingly.

"That's not business casual," she said.

"'S the best I could do," replied Harry.

She walked around him into his flat and sat on his island. "Guess what," she said, fiddling with his motorcycle keys.

He cocked an eyebrow. "Yes?"

She smiled at him, wide eyed. "I have tickets to Dean's art show. Would you like to come?" she asked, as if she hadn't already made him get dressed.

"Sure," he said.

She smiled and hopped down. "Good," she said, tossing him his keys. "Let's go. I want to get pictures before the sun goes down."


Draco was rudely interrupted from his noodles by a sharp rap on the door. And then another one. And another. He could already guess who it was.

"I'm coming, you impatient bint!" he yelled, getting up and stalking towards the door. He was greeted by a slap to the face. "Ta," he said.

"One must learn not to be rude to one's guests," she said. "Get dressed, we're going out."

He rolled his eyes. "Pansy, you do know that I'm attracted to men, right?"

"I have a wife," she said. "Hurry up."

He slipped on a white button up over his t-shirt and decided to leave it open. Then he quickly put on trousers and his finest dragon hide boots, smoothing his hair to the side a bit.

"Draco!" Pansy yelled

"Coming, dear!" he hollared back sarcastically.

When he got back to the main room, she looked him up and down and nodded to herself, heading towards the door.

"Wait," he said.

She stopped and turned towards him, cocking an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Where are we going?"

She smirked and pointedly looked away, turning towards the door. "You'll see," she said.

He rolled his eyes and followed after her, wondering just what atrocities awaited him.


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Liked by nev.nicebottom, hermi_one and 858,455 others

i_lovegood look at us, so nice @that_golden_boi

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the.hottest.weasley jealous I didn't get to be ur date

thequidditchangel jealous of that outfit,,honestly girl slay

veelathings you both look beaut

veelathings you both look beaut

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Liked by the.hottest.weasley, hann.abby and 739,958 others

panssss honestly ?? Look at us

View 8569 comments

king_ronald I see nothing desirable

panssss @king_ronald is this about your 10 year challenge?

king_ronald @panssss maybe

panssss @king_ronald tuff

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