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"Hannah," Draco seethed, watching Nott get punched in the arm by Ginny for the third time.

"Yes?" she replied, cocking an eyebrow at him.

He rolled his eyes, frowning at her. "What the ever-loving fuck was going through your brain when you decided to invite Theo?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked," said Hannah, tipping an imaginary hat and smirking at him. "I've decided that you can't hate each other if you're in the same space constantly."

"You can't decide that."

"The hell I can't."

Draco scowled even deeper and whipped his head away from her. Theo seemed to be trying to say something but Weasley (neither of them) was not having it. He watched as the red head threw his arms out indignantly and stormed away, Harry in hot pursuit.

"I did it to help you guys," Hannah said calmly. She grabbed his hand in both of hers. "I really did."

"Whatever Hannah," he replied, but he could never be angry at the blonde Hufflepuff for too long. "But don't think this will fix anything. I'll still hate him by the end of this trip."

"Ding dong, you are wrong."


"Heccity heck, you're incorrect."


"Just for the hell of it, you are irrelevant."

Just then, Pansy walked up and threw her arm around Hannah's shoulders. "You've caused some fuckery, I see."

Hannah smiled and wrapped an arm around the taller girl's waist. "Yes, I have."

"A hell of a lot of it," said Draco, rolling his eyes at the girls.

The thing was, he didn't hate Theo. He really didn't. He just really disliked him at the moment. After all, he did try to break he and Harry up. But he wasn't very mad at Hannah for inviting him. Truth be told, he really wanted to forgive Theo. And he sincerely hoped that he could.

But that didn't mean that he didn't have to earn it. Draco sighed. I might just have him grovel, he thought with a smirk.

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weforgememes 100% real quote by @dlmalfoyy

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dlmalfoyy lies

that_golden_boi he already has

king_ronald wOaH tHeRe HaRrYyYyY @that_golden_boi

hermi_one ding dong, that's gross @that_golden_boi

zabiiiini @that_golden_boi t m IIIIIIIIIIIIIII

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