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"Hey, Harry?"


Luna turned towards him and smiled serenely, grabbing his hand and interlocking their fingers.

"We're at an art showcase," she said, as if he didn't know.

"Okay?" he replied uncertainly.

"That means to fully enjoy the art, you have to give up your cell." She let go of his hand and held her hand out. "So give me your phone," she said.

"What?" he squawked indignantly. "My cell?"

"Yes," she replied, calm as ever. "Your cell." Harry considered debating with her but then she did something strange. She looked directly at him, with a straight face, and her eyes were completely clear. It was as if she had woken up from a dream. He half expected that she would smack him on the hand if he dared argue with her, so he did as he was told. "Good," she said, adopting her usual far away look again as she slipped his phone into her purse. "Let's go inside."

Harry shivered, wondering what he had just experienced, but followed her.


"Dracock," said Pansy as they entered the parking lot. "Give me your phone."

"I beg your fucking pardon?" he said, wide eyed and clutching his phone for dear life.

Pansy snorted. "You heard me." She took one of her hands off the wheel and looked at him with a challenging look in her eyes. "Give it up. Now."

"Put your eyes back on the road!" he screamed, manly as ever.

"Give me your cell or I'll kill us both," she said calmly, as if they weren't in a fucking death machine and about to die. Perhaps they weren't, but Draco didn't know that. And he especially didn't know that she was only going 15 miles per hour.

"Here!" he yelled, throwing his phone at her. "Take it, you complete knob-head!"

"Ta," she said, slipping his phone into her coat pocket. "And stop being an insufferable prat."

"Fuck you."

Pansy sighed and drove a little faster to find a park. This was going to be a long day.

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