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In a chat with theoooo



I need you


Yes. Text draco and
tell him that harry
cheated on him

But he didn't

Just do it. I'll handle
the rest.


In a chat with dlmalfoyy

Dont listen to theo



Draco stared at his phone in confusion. Parvati had just told him not to listen to Theo (as if he would anyway) and he started to wonder just whatever the hell he had planned.

He called Harry over and grabbed a bag of crisps as he waited. Soon enough he heard a knock on his door.

"Coming, darling!" he yelled as he went to open the door. But it wasn't Harry he saw.

It was Theodore Nott.

He tried to slam the door closed but it was swiftly caught by the brunette. "Draco," he said. "Listen to me-"

"No," Draco said stiffly. "I will not. I don't care how you feel about me. I have a boyfriend and I love him-"

Theo grabbed his wrist. "There's no way-"

"There is, Theo! I love him!" Draco snatched his wrist away, turning towards his kitchen. "Get out," he said. "Get out. Harry is on his way. Get out of my flat."

"Draco, please! You have to see you're just a charity case to him!" Theo walked closer to him and Draco could feel his breath against his neck. He took a step forward. "You're nothing to him-"

"That's not true-"

"It is! He doesn't care! I do!"

Draco walked back to his door and opened it. "Out," he said. "Leave."

Theo stalked closer to him and put a hand on his cheek. Draco slapped it away. "Please," he said. "Listen to me. He doesn't-" Theo paused as he heard footsteps down the hall. Then he quickly pressed his lips over Draco's, forcing his tongue into his mouth just as Harry reached the door way.

"Oh," they heard as the boy walked away, faster than he came.

Draco pushed Theo off of him and rushed out of his flat. "Wait!" he called. "Harry!"

But he was already gone.

"He doesn't care about you," Theo said from behind him.

Draco swiftly turned on his heel and smacked him. "Fuck you," he said.

He stalked back to his flat and slammed the door.

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