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"Oh God, Pansy, I fucked up. I fucked up really badly," Draco said as Pansy's hands ran through his hair soothingly, his head on her lap. Blaise was sitting on the rug beneath them flipping through the telly.

"You didn't fuck up, darling," she tried to assure him. "You had no say in what happened, dear."

"What if he never comes back?" Draco said and started worrying his lip. Pansy slapped his cheek lightly and he stopped.

"He will. Give him time."

"How about Doctor Who?" Blaise asked, completely invested in the telly. "This is a good episode."

"Blaise," Pansy snapped. "Pay attention."

"Sorry. It'll be okay, Draco."

Pansy lightly popped Blaise in the back of his head and swung one of her legs over his shoulder. He grabbed her ankle and leaned onto her leg like a pillow, turning the volume of the telly up. Draco looked at the both of them fondly. He was lucky to have friends like these.

Pansy leaned down until her lips were almost brushing his ear and whispered "So what do you wanna do?" He lightly shrugged his shoulders and she hummed, sitting back up and scraping his scalp with her nails.

They watched TV for a while before a rattle of the door drew their attention from the show. Neville walked in with Hannah and a red face. Draco saw Blaise perk up a bit, but whether it was from seeing his boyfriend or his boyfriend's supposed embarrassment, he couldn't say.

"Is it true," Hannah started, "that Neville prefers the stick to the hole?"

Pansy snorted and Neville's face got even redder, if possible. Blaise seemed like he wanted to milk the moment for all it was worth and said "I beg your pardon?"

Hannah grinned saucily and swung her arm around Neville's shoulders, trapping the side of his face in her armpit. "Does Neville like the insertion more than he likes to insert?"

Blaise mirrored her filthy grin and leaned back into the foot of the couch. "Come again?"

"Does Neville prefer it up the arse?"

Blaise broke out into loud chortles and threw his head backwards, clutching his stomach for dear life. Neville slipped from Hannah's grasp and made to walk past Blaise but he grabbed him and pulled him down onto his lap. He buried his face into Blaise's neck and Blaise kissed the top of his head, still sniggering lightly. Draco closed his eyes, not able to stand seeing them in love when he couldn't have his own.

Hannah made her way to the kitchen and popped open a bottle of firewhiskey.

"Hey!" Blaise called. "Not your liquor."

"Don't care," said Hannah, pouring herself a full tumbler. "Want some?"

Blaise snorted. "Of course."

Hannah poured everyone a glass of whiskey, save for Neville, who politely turned it down, and sat on the floor facing everyone. "So, uh, Draco," she said. "What happened with-" she cleared her throat, "with Harry?"

Draco sat up on the couch and folded his legs under his butt, shifting to lean on the arm of the couch. "Nott kissed me," he said.

Hannah's mouth formed a silent "oh" and she pointedly looked away. Draco took a long sip of his drink and breathed deeply out of his nose. He began to wonder what he could've done to keep Theo from kissing him and got lost in his thoughts. He was quickly snapped out of them though, literally, when Pansy snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Huh?" Draco asked.

"I said," Neville spoke up, "What're you gonna do about it?"

Draco honestly didn't know. He drained his glass and set it down on the floor in front of him. What the hell would he do? Harry won't even answer his texts and there's no way in Hell Ron will let him see Harry in person. But he couldn't just give up. He had to fight for Harry. He just had to.

"I dunno," he answered honestly. "But I'm gonna figure it out."

Blaise hummed. "Why don't you start with calling him?"

Draco nodded and opened his phone to see a text message from Harry.

{You have one unopened message}
In a chat with that_golden_boi

I'm on my way to
your flat.


Draco abruptly stood up and slipped his phone into his pocket, hurrying to grab his shoes.

"Woah, what's the rush?"

"Yeah what's going on?"

Draco turned to them in the middle of heading out of the door. He smiled a half smile and cocked his head to the side slightly.

"Harry's on his way to my flat. I'll tell you guys how it goes," he said and rushed out of the door, hearing the lock click behind him.

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