4.4K 91 15

A/N yall got me to 2k votes and I'm sleeping on yall, sorry lol. 2 chaps today for the slow updates

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Liked by imchochang_yall, that_golden_boi and 607,233 others

nev.nicebottom ready to go

Liked by you_dig_it, hermi_one and 833,968 others

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Liked by you_dig_it, hermi_one and 833,968 others

imchochang_yall me too

imchochang_yall me too

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Liked by panssss, nev.nicebottom and 836,007 others

i_lovegood me three


"What do I say to them, Hannah?"


"What if they don't forgive me?"

"They will."

"But what if they don-"

"Theo," Hannah said, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. She switched lanes and took one hand off of the steering wheel to grab one of his. "They will. You fucked up. Everyone does."

"I leaked Ginny's nudes," he said petuantly.

"Hardly," she said and snorted. "I'm sure Luna can do much worse."

Theo slumped further in his seat, possibly to the point of being unsafe, and sighed. "How long untill we arrive at Neville's?"

"Not long," Hannah said and pointed to the GPS. They were two minutes away. "Ready to see Blaise too?"

"No," Theo mumbled. "He'll hex me."

Hannah snorted once again. "And it'll be well deserved too."

Theo rolled his eyes and smiled. Never let it be said that Slytherins and Hufflepuffs didn't get along. Hannah was a right arse, and she fit right in.

"Bint," he said.

"True," she replied and pulled over in front of Neville and Blaise's home. "But you are about to get your arse kicked.

Sure enough, Blaise and Neville exited the house just then and headed towards the car. He felt rather than saw the moment Blaise saw him. Neville subtly but a hand on his forearm but he wasn't having it. Theo scrambled out of the car so he could just take the arse whooping and be done with it, noting the white hot fury on Blaise's face and the tiredness on Neville's. He didn't get to examine anything else, though, because as soon as he was close enough, Blaise swung a fist at his face and he knocked onto the ground.

"Ouch," he said blandly. He never knew Blaise had such a strong right hook. He got back up to his feet and stared at the man he'd known for almost his entire life. "You done, mate?"

Blaise huffed and crossed his arms while rolling his eyes. "Yeah, mate. Honestly, what the fuck were you thinking?"

"I wasn't."


By the time they finished their little exchange, Neville had put their trunks into the car and produced a healing balm from the pocket of his cloak. He held it out to Theo with a small half smile.

"Thought you'd need this for the weekend," he said.

Theo snorted in a self-deprecating manner. "Thanks."

From behind them, Hannah honked her horn and rolled down the windows. "Come on!" she yelled and turned on the radio, blasting the Weird Sisters. Blaise smirked at him and roughly clapped him on the shoulder he'd landed on so that he winced.

Yeah, this healing balm would be gone by tomorrow.

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