Chapter 5

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        There were bodies everywhere. Blood was being shed. Weapons dropped by those slain and picked up by their suriving brothers and sisters.

        It was hell on Earth.

        "Brandon! Anthony!" I cried with relief as they came running toards me. Anthony jumped over the body of a Shadow, almost tripping over his own feet while he watched it disintegrate into ash. I threw my arms around my best friend's neck and pulled him against me. "I'm so glad you're okay." I murmured in his ear. I noticed Brandon had turned away and was slashing at a Shadow with his katana. He looked good while he was fighting; the muscles in his arms pulled tight under the skin, his hair slicked back with sweat...

        God, Jess. Stop that. You're in the middle of a battle-no time to be thinking about cute boys!

        "Look out!" I turned around to see a Shadow coming straight for us,weilding a staff in its hands. Anthony released me and swung with his sword. The setting sun glinted off the metal, making it seem like he was fighting darkness with the fading light. Their weapons met, a loud clang! ringing out as metal hit metal. Anthony was knocked back slightly, giving me enough time to cut between the two and plunge my daggers into the Shadow's abdomen. I twisted them before ripping them out, watching as the being turned to ash. The ash started to scatter in the wind; little flakes of black and grey dancing together as they mixed with other ashes from different piles around my feet.

        Had I really just killed something? I wasn't scared at did I do that?

        Brandon whsitled behind us. "That's hot." This caused Anthony to turn and slap the man. "Ow! What the hell?!"

        "Stop hitting on my best friend!"  The two began glaring and yelling at each other, forgetting about the war that raged on around them.

        "Both of you stop it!" Upon hearing my angry shout, they stopped. "Help defend the camp, damn it!" I readied the blades in my hands as I ran deeper into the crowd before me with a battle cry. Behind me, I heard them fighting off the Shadows that tried to come at us from the back. I still felt no fear anywhere in my body. Shouldn't I be scared shitless right now?

        "I never knew you could fight like this!" Anthony said over the sounds of battle and death.

        "Neither did I!" I shouted back as my daggers turned another Shadow into nothingness. "I'm going to find Andy." I said to him as soon as he was close enough to hear me without shouting. I blew past groups of Rebels either fighing the remaining Shadows in the area or helping the wounded into tents to be examined. To my surprise, there were only an unlucky few that wre hurt or worse...


        I made it to the northern side of the camp with a few scratches; I got nicked by someone's throwing knives that had whizzed by my arm. CC was fighting a Shadow and didn't notice the other coming up from behind. "CC, duck!" I cried as I darted over to him and slashed over his head, straight into the heart of the enemy.

        CC straightened up and looked around. "Shit! Thanks kid!" He ruffled my hair ran off into the mob headed to the middle of the camp, screaming like a mad man the whole way. 

        I searched the steps of the church and saw Andy wiping off a blade. "Andy," I jogged up the steps until I stood in front of him. He slid the knife into a sheath at his hip and looked up at me expectantly. "We need you at the southern side of the camp." He nodded and stayed by my side the whole way back, even when we had to stop to help Jake and CC with a few wounded Rebels, he stayed.

        "Over there!" Brandon shouted when Andy and I came into view.

        Andy went running to help him and Anthony only to look back at me with horror. "Jessie, move!"

        Just as I turned to stab the Shadow that was standing behind me, I felt a sharp pain in my side. I screamed in rage and agony as I used the last of my strength to thrust my blade into the Shadow, watching in slow motion as it became nothing. I fell to my knees and barely felt my head hit the ground as my world went black.

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