Chapter 2

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Wowy I don't know how to update.......

I'm not obligated to give you an explication tho........ so enjoy the chapter!!!

"Well, they seem fine both mentally and physically. I could check what kind of spell she did with the information you gave me." Deaton said after he finished looking over Stiles and Liam who were sitting on one of the metal tables in the center of the room. Deaton brought out a very large book. "As you can see it will take a while," Deaton said making some of the pack groan in annoyance. "I can only read so fast," Deaton said opening the book.

"Okay, well since we're done here then I'm going home," Stiles said getting off the table and going to leave but Deaton's voice stopped him.

"Wait, Stiles, there's one more thing I need to check." He said making Stiles turn back around. He went over and stood next to the table staring at Deaton annoyed. "Take off your shirt. I would like to see the point of contact where the blood hit your stomach." He said with his back turned to Stiles who tensed immediately.

No one not even Scott had seen him with his shirt off. There was a reason he waited until everyone was gone to change in the locker rooms.

"Uh... Okay." Stiles said then hesitantly grabbing the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head.

The pack tried not to react when they saw the scars, some cuts, and bruises as well that littered his skin. Derek's eyes ran over Stiles body concerned for the boy. He hated seeing that Stiles was in pain but didn't tell them.

"Stiles..." Scott trailed off not really knowing what else to say.

Deaton didn't seem fazed by any of it. He just looked at the small round scar on Stiles' stomach then looked at Liam's.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm a human in the supernatural world. I get hurt but I don't heal like you. I don't have abilities like you. I get scarred up, bruised, and cut because I'm human not a werewolf, or werecoyote, or chimera, okay." Stiles said putting his shirt back on when Deaton nodded for him too.

Liam looked at Stiles with this overwhelming feeling to comfort. So the beta reached up with his hand that wasn't holding his shirt and lay it on Stiles' shoulder. The boy looked over at Liam with sad eyes.

"You're one of the strongest humans I know," Liam said making Stiles smile at him. (I was writing Liam's name and my brother wouldn't leave me alone so I yelled for him to get out but I said Liam's name instead...)

"Thanks, Liam," Stiles said as the beta put his shirt back on. Stiles felt uncomfortable in this room with the pack he knew would ask questions. "I'm going home. This has been a... stressful day." Stiles said not really sure if stressful was the right word for a day like this.

Stiles then turned to exit the room. Most of the pack moved away from the doorway. Except for Scott and Derek. The human looked at them wanting to be angry but knew they just wanted to protect him. But before either of them could say anything Liam spoke from behind Stiles.

"Stiles, can you drive me home?" Liam asked quite quickly making Stiles turn around to look at the beta.

"No problem," Stiles said giving the beta a smile then pushing his way past Scott and Derek. Liam followed but was stopped by Theo who grabbed his arm firmly but gently to not hurt him.

"Be careful. We don't know where the witch is or when she might come at us again." Theo said his green eyes locking with Liam's ocean blue ones.

The beta saw concern in the chimeras that he'd never seen so intense. He'd seen Theo concerned for him before but not this intense.

"Always," Liam said giving Theo a quick small smile that only lasted a few seconds.

The chimera hesitated to but let go of the beta's arm. Liam gave Theo a small nod then followed Stiles out to his Jeep.

The ride in the Jeep was mostly silent. There was the quiet pitter patter of rain on the Jeep. It had started up soon after they had gotten to the animal clinic. Liam stared out the window of the Jeep at the pouring rain.

"What do you think she did to us?" Liam asked looking away from the window over to Stiles who glanced from him to the slippery road.

"I don't know Liam. We'll be okay though. I promise." Stiles said making Liam sigh. The human couldn't promise that. Both of them knew that.


The next few days were uneventful for the pack. Well, Liam and Stiles were hiding things from them so they thought it was uneventful. They didn't want anyone to worry.

The two of them didn't tell each other either. They just hid it. What they were hiding? Well, that's a good question.

Liam would throw up at weird smells and certain foods. Sometimes in the morning for no reason. He also got these headaches and sweats. Then the stomach pains. Oh god, those were hard to hide. They were so painful.

Stiles got almost the same things. He got more unexpected vomiting than Liam though. His headaches and stomach pains were pretty bad too.

The human had enough of this sickness. He had to figure out what it was. So he searched up his symptoms. What he got wasn't something he liked.

Now he was staring at a website that read 'all the symptoms of pregnancy'.


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