Chapter 11

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"Shouldn't we talk about what we're gonna do?" Liam asked Stiles as they sat on the couch.

The two of them were sitting facing each other. Their legs were pressed together on the couch in an effort to make sure Liam didn't skip onto the floor. Their feet were almost in each other's faces but neither cared. It was a type of cuddling for them. Not to intimate to be couple cuddling but just enough so it'd be like those "two almost best friends but can't be best friends because they already have best friends" type of cuddling. You know?

Liam played with the cuff of Stiles jeans as the other boy surfed through Instagram. They were currently alone in the big house. Everyone was at school and Derek was out doing god knows what.

They had finished their homework for online school for the day. So they had nothing to do. Stiles dad had signed him up for online school and made sure he was okay with everything before letting him live in the pack house. Obviously checking up on him every other day through call or drop by.

Liam had gotten Derek to sign him up for online school since he needed a parent or guardian to do so. Derek was as close to that as possible at the moment. He hadn't seen his parents since the incident and it had been a month. He even gave them the address after a few days which gave them many opportunities to be good parents. But they didn't show up.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked making Liam sigh his eyes never leaving Stiles cuff.

"I mean for the babies. Nursery, names, where the hell are we going to birth it, how the hell are we going to birth it, and stuff like that." Liam said making Stiles nod putting his phone down.

"We have an appointment with Deaton in an hour to find out the genders. We could ask him about birth and crap." Stiles said making Liam nod looking up at the boy.

"We should do a gender reveal thing." Liam said sitting up making Stiles frown confused at his friend. "You know when people always have babies they bring their close friends and family then do a gender reveal. You know pulling coloured balloons out of a box, popping a balloon to see what colour confetti comes out." Liam said making Stiles snort out a laugh.

"That's so cheesy and mundane." Stiles said making Liam smile looking down.

"Yeah, maybe that's what we need right now though..." Liam said trailing off as Stiles stopped laughing. They did need something like that. "Something normal." Liam said making Stiles chuckle and nod.

"We should paint Derek and Theo the colour." Stiles said making Liam smile because Stiles wanted to do it as well.

"We should put coloured paint in a water balloon and throw it at them." Liam said making Stiles laugh and nod.

"They need to wear white though!" Stiles said making Liam laugh too as the door to the house opened. When it did Lydia, Malia, Scott, and Theo entered. "Oh my god Lydia could prepare it for us!" Stiles said making Liam smile and nod vigorously.

"What am I doing?" She asked as Liam and Stiles got off the couch and ran over to her smiles on their faces.

"Liam had a great idea of doing a gender reveal party thingy." Stiles said making Lydia smile widely.

"We're gonna put paint in balloons and throw them at Theo and Derek." Liam said making Theo go wide eyed at the statement.

"Woah, woah, woah, I didn't agree to this!" Theo said shaking his head wondering if Derek was around to protest as well.

"That sounds awesome!" Lydia said Malia agreeing with her soon after while Scott just went into the kitchen to look for food.

"We're going to find out at Deaton's today. Come with us! You can do the planning please." Liam said making Lydia smile and nod motioning for the door so they could go to Deaton's and figure it out.

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