Chapter 8

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That was Stiles' worst fear right there. Derek leaving. Any of his friends leaving. Stiles covered his mouth with his hand tears coming to his eyes as he sat on the stairs a few steps behind him. He hated how his emotions seemed to be stranger and even easier to trigger now. He hated it.

Liam bit his tongue to the point where he tasted blood. The disgusting metallic taste went down his throat as Theo walked up to the boy. Liam couldn't read the emotion on the chimera's face but he hoped it was a good one.

"You're not serious?" Theo asked Liam wasn't sure who he was trying to convince. Himself or Liam.

"Yes, I wish I wasn't—" but Theo cut him off taking a few steps back as he did.

"Don't fuck with me, Dunbar!" Theo yelled making Liam growl stepping toward Theo getting in his face.

"Listen to my heartbeat then!" Liam yelled back at the boy making Theo stare him in the eyes with this weird intensity. "I'm pregnant with your kid Theo Raeken," Liam said softly and slowly his heart steady the whole time he was speaking.

Everyone who could had listened in. Theo still shook his head. Liam watched as he took another step back but Liam just stepped forward again grabbing the chimera's wrist. Theo froze at the touch he received from Liam.

"Listen to the baby's heartbeat then," Liam said pulling Theo toward him by his wrist.

Liam placing the chimera's hand on his stomach over the fabric of his shirt. Liam didn't let go of Theo's wrist as the boy listened.

He heard Liam's soft but fast heartbeat. Then he dug deeper. He heard a small light heartbeat that fluttered so softly inside Liam's stomach. The air left Theo's lungs as he closed his eyes.

"Holy shit," Theo said smiling wildly at the sound that filled his ears.

He had a kid. He made a living thing, without knowing it, but he did. He had another living being with his own flesh, blood, and DNA. He had a reset button growing in his only friend.

"Oh my god, I can hear it's heartbeat..." Theo said a tear slipping from his eye down his face. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," Theo said and Liam smiled.

That's when he knew Theo would stay. That he would accept him. Liam leaned up hugging his friend. Theo wrapped his arms around Liam's waist hugging back. Liam's eyes connected with the pack as he continued to hug Theo.

Once the two had parted Liam looked at the pack and swallowed. He sniffled and Lydia walked up to him smiling.

"Oh, Liam, don't cry sweetheart," Lydia said hugging Liam who let tears free into her shoulder. "I'm so freaking excited for you! I was gonna scream when you first said it." Lydia said pulling away and jumping up and down making him smile as he wiped his tears.

Liam looked over at Scott trying to figure out what the alpha was thinking. What was he going to say? Was Liam going to get rejected? Kicked out of the pack? There was so much anxiety radiating off Liam everyone could smell it. Scott just smiled and brought the beta into a hug.

"You're gonna be a great dad," Scott whispered into Liam's ear making the boy smile.

"You're gonna be a great uncle," Liam said making Scott smile as well.


Stiles saw everyone was watching Theo and Liam so he snuck into the kitchen and out the back door. He wanted to find Derek and he thought this was probably the most likely place to do it. He went into the dark forest searching for Derek.

"Derek?" Stiles said into the dark creepy forest. He didn't go too far from the house only to the edge of the treeline.

"Are you actually pregnant?" Stiles whipped around to see Derek standing a few steps away from him, back to the door. Derek looked like he had been crying and this was the only moment in Stiles' whole like that he wished he was a wolf. Just so he could know what Derek was feeling.

"Yeah, yeah, I am. It's yours cause the witch used your blood. That's what we think at least. It makes the most sense and..." Stiles stopped himself knowing Derek didn't want to hear his nervous rambling. The older wolf looked at the ground and Stiles could tell he was nervous. "Do you want it?" Stiles asked making Derek look up so fast Stiles thought he'd get whiplash.

The older wolf stepped toward Stiles getting into his face. Stiles looked up at Derek as he was just a little shorter.

"Of course I want it," Derek said his hands coming up to Stiles' which were at his sides. Derek ran his hands up Stiles' arms softly almost tickling him. "I wouldn't leave you," Derek said making Stiles look at Derek's lips before looking back up at his eyes.

"Are you saying you want me too?" Stiles said Derek's hands now resting on his cheeks.

"I want both of you," Derek said making Stiles smile leaning up and pressing his lips to Derek's.

At this moment they didn't notice the pack staring at them from the window. They just cared about each other. And their baby. One of Stiles' hands made it to Derek's chest while the other went to the back of his neck. 

The two pulled away after a few minutes maybe seconds they didn't know. But their eyes connected and they both smiled. Everything was okay. No one was being disowned, kicked out, hated. Everyone loved each other. From parents, to friends, to lovers. Love was the only thing at the McCall house right now. It was a beautiful thing.


Sorry, let me just go throw up in the corner here!! I know this is some cringy romantic shit! I'm sorry!

Don't worry there's good stuff coming! Gender reveals, housing problems, disowning problems... oops I've said too much...
Love ya'll see u next chapter!

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