Chapter 7

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Stiles and Liam were in Stiles' room watching a movie on his computer when it happened. They were just minding their own business. Having a nice calm comfortable evening watching the new Spider-Man movie on Netflix. But guess what? Someone had to ruin it.

At 6:13 pm in the middle of their movie they both got a text. The two frowned pulling out their phones and looking at who had texted.


Group Chat
The Pack & Theo
Members - AlphaPuppy, Sourwolf, ScreamQueen, SarcasticSpaz, Pup, iLoveDeer, invisible, Beast, and EvilChimera.

Everyone to my house now!


Cause u and Liam haven't been seen in a very long time. We need bonding now

Ya get ur asses over here!

But we're watching Spider-Man

Idc just get over here

So damn demanding Scottie
We're coming
Just to piss u off

Really slowly

Whatever just get here so they can stop whining

Yeah it's getting on my nerves


"Guess movie night is over." Stiles said closing his computer and getting off his bed.

He changed his sweats to jeans as Liam stared off at the door to the bedroom. The beta looked dazed and he seemed to be thinking pretty hard.

Stiles could see his face was relaxed bu almost like he wanted to frown. It was between the two and Stiles had figured out it was because he was deep in thought.

"What's up Liam? You're thinking pretty hard there." Stiles said making Liam blink and look over at Stiles his face turning into one of concern.

"They'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. Just like I could last week! And now!" Liam said referring to the first time he had heard his and Stiles' babies heartbeats.

Stiles thought for a moment trying to figure out how they could avoid this. How could they stop the pack from knowing?

The answer was that they couldn't. There was no way they could hide a heartbeat from a werewolf. Stiles knew he was screwed. He got lucky with his parents, so did Liam, but now?

Now Stiles was worried there would be a chance the pack wouldn't accept this. Because he and Liam got lucky with their parents accepting them. You don't get that lucky twice. You don't, right?

"We have to tell them sometime." Stiles said grabbing the two ultrasound pictures he had.

One he had given to his father, he was keeping the other so he put it on his desk, and the last was for Derek. Liam had done the same. One picture for his parents, which Jenna had put up on the fridge, one for him, which he pinned to his board of family and friend photos, and then the last was for Theo.

He always kept it in his pocket. It was something he liked to look at from time to time when he was alone. It reminded him that he had something he could love which would love him back.

"Okay," Liam said making Stiles look up at him and smile. They were both taking responsibility for this. For their babies.


"Where have you two been?" Lydia asked once Mason had let Liam and Stiles into the house.

The two did their nervous habits they always did. Stiles bit his lip, Liam twiddled with the hem of his shirt not looking up. Stiles took a deep breath.

"Uh, we've got to tell you something." Stiles said making Scott stand but Stiles stopped him. "We're okay it's just..." Stiles trialed off not wanted to say anything at the moment.

"We figured out what the witch did to us." Liam said finally looking up making Stiles look over smiling at him. "She didn't hurt us—" he said making Stiles hum shrugging.

"I don't know. It's gonna hurt. A lot." Stiles said making Liam look over and glare causing the boy to put his hands up in surrender.

Liam thought for a moment. He took a few deep breaths before. He had the words playing in his mind over and over again.

Stiles and I are pregnant. The witch put a certain spell on us that did this. It'll be okay though.

That was what he was going to say. He was going to say it calm, slow, and make sure no one freaks out—

"I'm pregnant and Theo's the father." Liam blurted out making Stiles go wide eyed turning to him with a jaw that was on the floor.

Theo choked. There was nothing he could have choked on but he was coughing like he had something in the back of his throat and couldn't breath. Scott spit the water out that he was drinking laughing his ass off along with some of the others.

"It's not a joke. I am too." Stiles said making Scott look up and see his best friends straight face. He's never had a straight face. He was serious. "It's Derek's." Stiles said making Derek go wide eyed staring at Stiles. Then he stood and went into the kitchen.

Everything was silent. There was no way of knowing if they were okay with this or not. Liam and Stiles had fear and anxiety practically radiating off them.

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