Chapter 4

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Sorry, this one's a bit short. Will probably update later today again.

"No..." Liam said pressing himself against the wall shaking his head. "No, this isn't possible... This can't be..." he muttered as Stiles took the fancy-looking test into his hands. "Oh god..." Liam kept muttering as Stiles stared at the test.

The boy leaned against the door sliding down across from Liam. His eyes never leaving the test in his hands. Stiles then looked up at Liam putting a hand on his forehead.

"What the hell are we going to do Stiles?!" Liam yelled starting to breathe heavily.

Stiles looked up and saw Liam's distress. The boy moved quickly toward Liam kneeling in front of him.

"Hey, Liam, it's okay. We'll be okay." Stiles said making Liam look up at the boy. "We're going to figure this out. Tomorrow we'll go to Deaton's and see what he can do." Stiles said smiling when Liam's breathing calmed.

"Okay, okay..." Liam said then ran a hand through his hair. "Will you stay here tonight?" Liam asked making Stiles smile and nod.

"Of course Liam... Of course."


Stiles drove Liam and himself to Deaton's clinic the next day. Liam could smell the anxiety all over Stiles and the Jeep.

How could the witch do this to them? Why would she think it was a good idea to give two teenage boys their own babies? She's completely insane. That's what Liam had come up with. The witch was insane. Period.

Stiles was more trying to figure out how the hell it was possible. What kind of spell gives guys the ability to procreate? Maybe she gave them each a uterus then impregnated them.

As Stiles parked the Jeep in the clinic parking lot he made a note in his head. Must find the witch in the forest and ask her, what the fuck is her problem!

The two boys made it inside then traveled to the back where Deaton was looking at a cat. He saw them and sighed.

"Give me a second." He said before looking the cat over once again then he picked it up and brought it to the next room.

When he came back he brought the large book of spells and put it on the metal table with a thump.

"I haven't gotten through the book yet—" he started but then Stiles cut him off.

"Deaton we know what she did to us," Stiles said making the veterinarian raise an eyebrow. "My paranoia kicked in and I searched up all the things I've been feeling. Vomiting, sweats, mood swings and so on. What I got surprised me. So I went to the store, bought a test, then got Liam and myself to do it." Stiles said stopping making Deaton frown not sure if he should ask the question he wanted to.

But then Liam pulled one of the more expensive tests out of his pocket and put it on the table. Stiles had one too while the threw out the less expensive tests. Deaton looked it over and then looked up at the two completely shocked.

"This is yours?" He said trying to keep a calm voice.

Liam nodded and Stiles took his out. They only kept one of the expensive tests throwing the others out because they weren't needed. Stiles put his next to Liam's making Deaton rub his forehead in confusion.

"Wow," Deaton said making Liam bite his lip and look away. Stiles just leaned on the table trying to think of a good side to this.

"Is that a 'wow I know what to do'? Because we both need that right now. We do." Stiles said making Deaton flip some of the pages in his spellbook.

"I've got a spell that mentions this—" Deaton said but then Liam spoke or more like yelled.

"Oh shit. Oh, fucking shit!" Liam yelled putting his hands in his hair and pulled slightly. The two looked at him confused wanting him to tell them why he seemed so distraught. "Remember she took blood from Theo and Derek? Then she put it in our stomachs?" Liam said making Stiles frown but then Deaton's eyes widened. "You need two people to make a baby Stiles," Liam said making Stiles' eyes widen.

"Oh my god..." Stiles, he said looking down at the table in shock. "I have a baby with Derek... Derek!" Stiles said while Liam scoffed.

"Yeah, well, I've got one with Theo fucking Raeken!" Liam said they were about to continue freaking out and yelling when Deaton stopped them.

"Boys." That made the two look up at Deaton hoping he knew what to do. "We need to find the witch," Deaton said making Stiles roll his eyes turning around while Liam sighed angrily.

"Great! Alright, let's go find this murderous witch shall we!"

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