Chapter 10

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Group Chat
The Pack & Theo
Members - AlphaPuppy, Sourwolf, ScreamQueen, SarcasticSpaz, Pup, iLoveDeer, invisible, Beast, and EvilChimera

Somethings wrong
Somethings happening to Liam!
Get to his house now!

What happened?
What happened to Liam?

What did you do to our pup?

If you hurt him

No he just texted me saying to meet him at the entrance to the preserve and if he wasn't there in ten minutes to call you all and go to his house

Everyone meet at Liam's now!


Liam held the door open as the men tried to close it screaming at his mother to make this all stop. He only saw her hiding behind John with tears running down her face. Liam looked at the two men and his eyes widened. One of them had a stun baton.

Then all of a sudden the two men were taken down by two growling people. Liam watched as they were both knocked out. He saw it was Scott and Theo. The two turned to Liam who burst into tears. He lunged forward into Theo's arms and the chimera hugged him back. He heard the rest of the pack muttering to Scott and Liam looked up at Theo. The chimera's eyes were glowing and he was growling at Liam's parents who stood on the front steps.

"Scott," Theo said making the alpha look over.

Theo then handed Liam over to the alpha who he hugged. Liam watched Theo walk over to his parents and he stepped forward about to stop him.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves," Theo said as Jenna wiped her tear-stained cheeks. "It's Liam's body he gets to decide what he does with the baby. Not you or anyone else. If he wants to keep it you should support him like the good parents you used to be." Theo said making John glared at him as Jenna sniffled.

"We are good parents-"

"You're not. Not if you force your son to do something he doesn't want to." Theo said interrupting Jenna before she could continue her defense.

"We were helping him. He doesn't need a kid at his age. You don't even know what parenting is like." John practically growled out to Theo who gave him an actual growl stepping into his face.

"Theo, don't hurt them." The chimera heard Liam whisper from behind him making Theo take a deep breath.

"I'm gonna know parenting is like soon. And I would never do this to my kid if this happened to them. I'd support them. You know as parents should." Theo said before turning around and going back over to Liam and the pack. But he stopped before he could get to them turning back around. "Never come near Liam or any of his pack again," Theo said before nodding to the pack to leave and they did.

They walked a little way down the street to where Theo and the others had parked their cars. Liam saw that there was Mason, Corey, Lydia, and Stiles standing there waiting for them. Scott, Malia, Derek, and Theo had come to save him. Once he got there he hugged Mason, then Corey, then Stiles, then Lydia. Then once he had finished hugging everyone he went over to Theo.

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