Chapter 15

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Sorry for not updating. I am very sorry. I am also going to apologize in advance for this chapter. I am sorry.


"Theo, this is..." Liam trailed off not having the words to describe the new and improved baby's room.

Theo had said he wanted to do a few things to it to make Liam feel better about having this baby. Like it was his baby. His and Theo's. Not anyone else's.

The room had a copy of the newest ultrasound picture framed on the wall. There was a little mini lacrosse stick leaning on the wall beside the chair in the corner. There was pictures on the walls of the pack and some of just Theo and Liam.

"I didn't have much to put up. We can put more pictures of the baby up once she's out. I also started a photo album but it's only picture of you with your belly and some ultrasound pictures. It's not much—" but before Theo could say anymore he was almost tackled to the ground.
"I love it." Liam said kissing Theo's lips over and over as he smiled widely.

Theo just put his hands on Liam's face giving him an actual kiss. Then Liam gasped putting a hand on his belly making Theo go wide eyed wondering if something was wrong.

"I think she likes it too." Liam said smiling and feeling his belly. Theo put a hand on the boy's belly he smiled wildly feeling a kick from his baby girl.

They both smiled foreheads leaning against each other. They were in such bliss and happiness.


Stiles was not happy. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!" Stiles said leaning his head against a tree.

He had one hand on his stomach the other was dug into the dirt. He was currently in the middle of the preserve with Derek. They had just wanted to go for a peaceful walk alone.

"Stiles? Stiles are you okay?" Derek asked kneeling in front of the boy who shook his head hard.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. No, not now. It was supposed to be on a bed in Deaton's clinic where he'd have pain medication." Stiles said then let out a screech that made Derek cover his ears.

"What's happening Stiles?" Derek still didn't know Stiles had just started screaming in pain and collapsed to the ground. Derek felt helpless. He hated being helpless.

"Derek. Derek!" Stiles said then grunting in pain again after Derek had finally looked over at him. "Call Deaton. No one knows where we are so, call Deaton!" Stiles said making Derek nod and pull out his phone.


"Deaton! Something's wrong. Somethings happening to Stiles!" Derek yelled into the phone almost crying. God, he hated how Stiles was in pain like this. Wait, he could take his pain.

"Derek, calm down," Deaton said as Derek reached over and put his hand on Stiles'. He started to take some of the boy's pain but Stiles just pushed his hand away.

"I'm not a pussy. I can take it." Stiles said grunting again only making Derek look at him with worry. Stiles had never seen the man look so afraid. Well, his child and boyfriend were at risk of getting hurt so that's probably why.

"Derek where are you?" He heard through the phone making him realize he was still talking to Deaton.

"In the preserve. We took a trail heading west of the house." Derek said his hand on Stiles' face looking at him like he was dying.

"Can you run him back to the house?" Deaton said making Derek look back toward where they came from.

"Uh, yeah, maybe I don't think we went too far," Derek said looking down at Stiles.

"If he's not in too much pain then run him to the house, Derek. I'll be there as soon as I can." Deaton said hanging up making Derek look down at his boyfriend.

"Okay, we're gonna go back to the house," Derek said shifting and carefully lifting Stiles into his arms. Stiles winced and groaned making Derek freeze where he was.

"I'm okay. I'm okay Derek. Take me to the house." Stiles said making Derek nod. He ran as fast as he possibly good trying not to stop every time Stiles grunted or winced in pain. 

Soon they were back at the house going in through the back door. He ran upstairs passing some of the pack members on the couch. He noticed some of them follow him as he went up into his and Stiles' bedroom. He carefully lay Stiles on the bed shooting him a worried glance when he groaned again.

"I swear if Deaton doesn't get here soon-" Stiles said as the members who were in the house gathered in the room.

"He's coming. He's on his way." Derek said brushing the hair off Stiles' sweaty forehead.

"Are you okay Stiles?" Scott asked as Malia, Theo, Liam, and Nolan stood by.

"Do I look like I'm okay Scott! I've got a tiny human, probably a werewolf, trying to claw its way out of me!" Stiles yelled making Scott give him a shocked look.

"Don't take it seriously he's just in pain," Derek said pulling his phone back out and re-dialing Deaton. When he picked up Derek had to restrain himself from screaming into the phone. "Where are you?" His voice almost at the level of yelling but not quite there.

"There's a crash. I'm sorry Derek I can't help that someone else might be dying on the road." Deaton said making Derek get super worried super fast.

"What happens if you can't get here?" Derek said making Stiles look up at Derek with wide eyes. There was a long pause making Derek get even more worried.

"If I can't get there then you or someone else will have to do it," Deaton said making Derek's heart stutter a few times.

"Deaton I can't do that. I'm not trained! I-I can't-I can't!" Derek said making the people in the room all get very worried very fast.

"Derek you're going to have to. I'm going to be able to get there on time." Deaton said but then the front door opened making everyone perk up.

"Scott? Wow, there was this crash on the main road and I just squeezed past it before they started stopping people. It wasn't even bad." Melissa's voice echoed throughout the house making some feel relief.

"Melissa! Help! Come here!" Derek yelled then turned back to Stiles and continued talking on the phone. "Melissa's here," Derek said into the phone as Melissa entered the room. 

"What's going on?" She asked moving toward the bed where Stiles lay.

"Good. Put me on speaker I can talk her through this." Deaton said making Derek do exactly as he said while still holding the phone. "Melissa? Listen Stiles' baby decided to come early so I'm going to talk you through delivering her." Deaton said making Melissa go wide-eyed.

"I can't deliver a baby Allen! I'm not trained or qualified." She said making Stiles roll his eyes.

"You're the most qualified in the damn room. So get her out of me!" Stiles said screaming in pain again making Derek want to reach out and take it away but he knew Stiles would just yell at him not to.

"It's alright Melissa I'll talk you through the entire thing," Deaton said which still didn't make her feel any better.

A few minutes later Stiles was at the edge of the bed. His legs were hanging off, he had a pillow under his neck, and he'd taken a few Tylenol. They didn't work according to him. Melissa was waiting for her next instruction but when it came it was a bit of a shock to a couple.

"Melissa you're going to have to make an insition an inch below his belly button with a very sharp knife. Not too deep. About a centimeter and a half." Deaton said through the phone that was in Derek's hand.

"What no pain killers?" Stiles said a second before Melissa dug the knife into his lower stomach. He screamed in so much pain the five teens standing by winced themselves. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuuck! I can't do this! No, I can't! Kill me now!" Stiles said making Melissa look up a bit unimpressed.

"Will, you ever look at a woman the same knowing they feel this much pain?" Melissa asked making Stiles look at her like "now you're asking me this?"

"No! Just get her out!" Stiles said making Melissa smirk dragging the knife across this belly just enough. She'd seen one c-section in her nursing career, since it wasn't her type of nursing, and it went well. She tried to remember all she could from that past experience.

Blood was all over the bed by now Nolan passing her towels but they weren't doing much. She reached her two hands inside the hole she'd cut in his stomach and found the head. She slowly pulled on it making Stiles scream again tears leaving his eyes.

"I see her head!" Melissa said making Derek smile but then look back up at Stiles.

"She's almost here baby." Derek said his hand squeezing Stiles' the other brushing the hair out of his face.

"Almost!" Melissa said the shoulders coming through making Stiles yell almost sobbing. Scott came over to his best friend holding his other hand.

"A little bit more buddy," Scott said making Stiles smile while almost out of breath.

Stiles looked back over at Derek starting to feel light-headed. Melissa finally got the baby girl out and wrapped her in a towel. She passed the girl over to Derek who looked down at her with the softest smile as she wiggled the little bit she could.

"Stiles," Derek said showing him the baby. The two made eye contact and a tear rushed down Stiles' red face.

"Our baby girl." He said smiling up at Derek.

"There's another," Melissa said making everyone snap their heads over thinking that this had been over.

"No, I feel it. It hurts. Get it out, Melissa." Stiles said not thinking he could take much more of this.

"Well that's why your stomach was bigger than Liam's," Theo said making Stiles look over and glare not wanting to hear the other boy's voice at the moment. Or any moments according to Stiles.

Melissa reached in again making Stiles scream again. Derek looked from Stiles' stomach, to Melissa, up to Stiles' face, then to young Talia in his arms.

"Derek. Let me take her." Liam said Derek almost jumped out of his skin not having heard the boy walk over. Derek hesitated not sure if he should. "Instinct Derek. I have a baby inside me right now, I know what to do. And I don't think you want to give her to clumsy Scott or Malia the deer killer." Liam said making Derek look over at those two who gave Liam a look that said they were very offended.

"Derek give him the baby and hold my damn hand!" Stiles said making Derek snap out of his daze and gave Talia to Liam who left the room followed by Theo and Nolan. Derek then took Stiles' hand.

"Almost there, Stiles!" Melissa said everyone watching as she finally pulled the baby from Stiles. "It's a boy!" She said making Derek smile looking back down at Stiles.

"It's a boy Sti." He said but Stiles' eyes were closed and his hand was limp in Derek's. 

"No..." Scott muttered looking down at Stiles.

"Stiles? Stiles!" Derek said tears coming to his eyes as he looked down at his... his dead boyfriend. "Sti?" He said tears streaming down his face.

Scott, Malia, and Melissa looked down at the boy's body shocked. Derek lifted his head into the air and roared out in pain. Everyone for miles heard it. They all heard the cry of a wolf who'd lost his mate, the father of his children, his best friend, his boyfriend, the love of his life. Derek was devastated as he lay his head on Stiles' chest hearing no heartbeat at all.

The McCall pack had gained and lost a member of their pack that day. As much as they should be happy about the two brand new lives in the world they couldn't help but be devastated by the one they had lost.

Stiles had been a member of the pack since the beginning. He had fought for them even though he was only human. He was there for each and every one of the pack members. He was the light in the pack, he was the happiness, the one who kept them all together. He was their glue for god sakes.

Stiles Stilinski was no longer a living being on this Earth, and the Earth seemed to quiet down just for that moment of everyone realizing it. Stiles was gone. For good.


Oops? aahhhhhh the chapter took me where it took me. You can throw your shoes at me now.

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