Chapter 3

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Oi, another chapter!!! Yee yee!!
Wow I'm cringy please stop me.

Stiles rushed out of his room and down the stairs. He ran to the door and outside grabbing his keys and wallet on the way out.

He passed his father on the way to his Jeep cursing himself for not trying to look natural.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" His father asked as Stiles opened his Jeep door.

"Uh, the store. I've gotta get something then I'm going to Liam's. I'll text you later!" He yelled getting inside his Jeep then speeding off to the store.

The whole ride his heart was beating out of his chest. He tried so hard not to swerve off the road he was shaking so much.

He finally got to the store and took a deep breath before getting out of the Jeep. He tried to look as calm as he could as he made his way inside.

He looked through the isles and finally found them. He bit his lip not really sure which one to get. There were so many different choices.

"That one's the best." Stiles turned to see a girl who pointed to the blue one. "It's expensive but it'll tell you how many weeks. Then get some cheep ones to make sure." She has been looking at the feminine products on the other side of the isle.

"Uh, thanks," Stiles said grabbing two of the blue ones.

"You looked a bit flustered. Unexpected I'm guessing?" She said grabbing something from the other side of the isle.

"Oh yeah definitely," Stiles said grabbed four of the cheaper ones.

"That's a lot." The girl said making Stiles glance at the boxes then back up at the girl.

"Yeah, I- my girlfriend. I wanna make sure. And her best friend also thinks she is. So I gotta get some for her." Stiles said lying through his teeth as the two made their way to the front.

"Oh wow sounds like fun." She said laughing a bit making Stiles chuckle as they got to the cashier.

"Oh definitely. I haven't even got out of high school. Neither have they. I mean children are great I'd love to have some but not now." Stiles said as the girl paid for her things.

"Yeah, definitely a lot of responsibility." She said making Stiles pause as the cashier ran the tests through. "Good luck and congrats if you are that is." The girl said then left her words making Stiles frown.


The witch said he wanted to teach both Stiles and Liam responsibility. That's what this was about. Oh god. He is so pregnant.

"Sir, are you paying by cash or card?"


Stiles got to Liam's house the store bag in his hand. He knocked on the door and a few moments later Liam's mom showed up at the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Greyer is Liam home?" Stiles asked making the woman nod opening the door for him.

"Liam! Someone's here for you!" She yelled as she closed the door. Then she turned to Stiles smiling. "Call me Jenna sweetheart. Mrs. Greyer makes me feel so old." She said making Stiles nod.

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