Chapter 12

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"3... 2... 1..."

Liam and Stiles threw the black paint filled balloons at Theo and Derek. The chimera and older wolf covered their faces.

It was deadly silent as the balloons flew threw the air toward Derek and Theo. Once they exploded on the two men everyone cheered with excitement at the colour.

Both the balloons had held pink paint representing the baby girls that Stiles and Liam had in their bellies. Even though Stiles and Liam hadn't wanted girls they still cheered because it was still exciting.

Derek and Theo opened them eyes looking down at their shirts. Theo went wide eyed and smiled widely looking up at Liam who smiled back as the chimera shouted and cheered. Derek huffed but smiled up at Stiles who ran at him and hugged him getting paint all over his own shirt.

A few minutes later everyone was sitting at the large table that had been set up. People passed the food back and forth while congratulating Stiles and Derek, and Liam and Theo. It was so perfect and as Theo looked around the table he felt something he hadn't felt since before his sister died.

He felt at home. He felt like he had a family, friends, a pack.

Liam looked up at Theo seeing his genuine smile that said he felt safe and it made him happy. He put his hand on Theo's which lay on the table. Theo looked over at Liam who smiled up at him.

"Adeline." Liam said making Theo look at him confused. "Her name. I liked your idea." He said making Theo raise an eyebrow.

"You listened to my conversation with Lydia this morning?" Theo asked making Liam rub the back of his neck a light embarrassed blush dusting his cheeks.

"Only the names part. And I really do like it." Liam said making Theo smile at him. "Adeline Roya Dunbar-Raeken." Liam said making Theo's smile widen and he leaned into Liam.

He let the betas hand go wrapping his arm around the boy. Liam wrapped his around Theo as well the sides of their bodies pressing together.


Later that night everyone was watching a movie in the living room. The parents had left and Corey had picked it out it was some comedy about a day care and dad's or something. Derek wasn't paying attention he was looking around for Stiles. The boy had left earlier in the movie saying he was going to the bathroom but he hadn't come back. It's been almost a half an hour.

So Derek got up and quietly left the room going upstairs. He made his way down the hall and into his and Stiles' room. Derek found the boy standing in their bathroom with the door open.

He didn't have a shirt on and he was looking at his stomach. They were at the fourteen week mark so you'd notice it if he were just on the street.

Stiles looked like he was about to cry not liking the fact that he was getting bigger at all. Derek thought he looked beautiful. He had the pregnancy glow to him.

"What are you doing, Sti?" Derek said walking into the bathroom making Stiles take his eyes off the mirror and look over at Derek.

"I'm getting fat." Stiles said making Derek chuckle a bit before walking over to Stiles and putting his hands on the boy's hips.

"You've got a human in your belly that's why. I think you look beautiful like this." Derek said laying a hand on the boy's stomach.


"You look beautiful. No ands, ifs, or buts, about it. You're beautiful. Especially like this." Derek said making Stiles smile tears coming to his eyes as Derek brought him into a hug.

"Thanks Der."


The day Liam was feeling the same self consciousness that Stiles was last night. Everyone had taken a day to swim in the lake. Even Stiles had gone in without a shirt on even.

It just made Liam feel even more self conscious about himself. He left the dock that he was watching everyone from and went inside. The pack stopped what they were doing and looked over at the door Liam had entered the house through.

Scott was about to get out of the water and go in after him but Theo stopped him. The chimera got up from were he was sitting on a lawn chair, no shirt, sunglasses, and swim trunks low on his hips.

"I got this." He said making Scott raise an eyebrow at the boy. "I know what's wrong." Theo said making Scott nod going back to Malia and the others in the water telling them Theo was handling it.

Theo made his way inside the large house looking around for Liam. He found the boy laying on the couch hugging a pillow eyes watering and cheeks stained with tears. It made Theo's heart clench and he sprang into action.

"Hey, baby wolf, what's wrong?" He asked sitting on the floor next to Liam brushing the hair out of the boy's face.

"I'm getting bigger Theo." Liam said making Theo sigh knowing it was an insecurity of the young wolf.

Theo pulled the pillow away from the boy putting it beside him on the floor. Liam sniffled when Theo lay a hand on his stomach over his shirt.

"I think you look fine. I think you look even better with our baby in your belly." Theo said making Liam smile at Theo feeling a bit better. "I think that it doesn't matter what you look like. It only matters that the people around you love you. Because the pack loves you. That's what matters." Theo said making Liam smile at him putting a hand on the side of Theo's face.

"Thanks Theo. For everything..." Liam trailed off before taking a second and speaking again. "For staying." He said making Theo nod smiling at the boy.

"Of course." Theo said then glanced at Liam belly. He smiled and rubbed his belly. "Hold on." He said before standing up and moving to lay on the couch on top of Liam just further down.

He now lay so his head was right beside Liam's belly, their legs were intertwined, and Liam giggled the whole time Theo shifted them around on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Liam said as Theo pushed Liam's shirt up above his belly.

"I read that your baby can hear your voice at around fourteen weeks." Theo said making Liam smile.

Theo lay one hand on Liam's belly tracing symbols on it. The other hand lay between Liam and the back of the couch.

"Hey there Adeline..." Theo said making Liam's smile widen. "My name is Theo. But you can call me dad." Theo said as Scott walked into the kitchen through the back door. "Liam's your other dad. He's gonna be a great dad to you." Theo said as Liam's hand made it to Theo's hair running his fingers through it lightly.

"Theo's gonna be a great dad to Addy." Liam said making Theo look up at him and chuckle.

"Already giving her nicknames are we?" He said making Liam chuckle.

Behind them the pack watched and listened. They all thought it was cute that the two were bonding over their unborn child. Mason may have taken a few photos as well. Just for album purposes of course.

"You're gonna have a friend too. I think her names gonna be Talia. Don't quote me though baby I'm not for sure." Theo said making Liam giggle continuing to run his hands through Theo's hair. "But you'll be best friends and you'll grow up together. You'll get to learn about all our pasts together, learn how to control yourselves together, go to school together. You'll love it here. You'll have so many people who love you and care about you. I can't wait to meet you." Theo said making Liam smile along with the rest of the pack.


Go check out my thiam instagram story. It's called [ sent ] THIAM. Hope you like it.

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