Chapter 14

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"I can't do this. I can't do this." Liam muttered sitting in the baby's room.

He sat in the corner of the room. Melissa, Lydia, and Malia has shown the four boys where they're babies would sleep. The rooms were in the basement near Theo's room.

It was the day after the rooms had been revealed to the future parents. Everyone was out except Theo. Well Theo was on a run so Liam was alone. Stiles was spending time at the sheriff's house. Derek was out getting groceries. The rest were at school Theo had a spare for the last block of his school day so he had come home at lunch.

Liam was in his future baby girls room on the ground in the corner. Crying. The emotion of fear just shocked him into almost a panic attack. He was on the verge of one right now.

He didn't think he could do this. Do the whole parenting thing. Maybe his mom and step dad were right? Maybe he was too young? Maybe he was fucking up his life? But he didn't want to kill this baby.

The beta continued to cry into the blanket he had gotten from the living room. It was a fluffy blanket that fit around his whole body and then some. He cried into the blanket while he lay a hand on his stomach.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Adeline. I can't do this. I'm a freak, I'm a guy. I can't have a baby I'm too young. Maybe my dad was right." Liam said rubbing his belly. He felt a kick making him cry harder.

He just continued to lose himself in the moment. Just not paying attention to anything else. All he did was tune his senses into the baby girl inside him. To every move, every twitch even.

Liam lost himself so much in crying and listening to the baby he didn't hear the front door open and close. He kept sobbing into the blanket that was wrapped around him. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder making him jump and shift.

"Woah, woah! Liam it's just me! It's Theo." The person in front of him said causing Liam to look up at him and shift back.

Liam wiped his eyes trying to cover up the fact that he had just been crying. Theo knew he had been though. He could hear it from upstairs.

Theo was still in his workout clothes from his run earlier. He had a bit of sweat that made his skin glistened. The chimera put his hand on Liam's knee this time.

"Come upstairs with me and I'll make you some hot chocolate, okay?" Theo said making Liam look at him warily.

The older boy then stood reaching out his hand for Liam to take. The younger boy look at the hand in front of him then reached up and took it. Theo helped Liam up who grabbed onto the chimera.

Theo wrapped his arm around the slightly smaller boy's torso. Then he lead the beta upstairs and over to the couch.

Liam was laid down on the couch by Theo. He then moved the blanket so it lay over the younger boy's body and covered him so he was warm. Then Theo told Liam he was going to make the boy some hot chocolate. He then turned the tv on giving the remote to the beta and left the room to the kitchen.

Around twenty minutes later Theo came back into the room with a cup of hot chocolate. He gave it to Liam who smiled up at the other boy. Theo sat down next to Liam who turned to him putting the hot chocolate on the coffee table.

Liam looked at Theo with these vulnerable, sad, shameful eyes. Like he was terrified but also full of shame yet there was a vulnerability all mixed in. Theo didn't get it. He was scared for the boy. He was scared about what he would say next.

"I can't do it." He whispered so softly to the chimera.

What couldn't he do?

"I'm not cut out for any of this. I'm still a kid myself Theo." Liam said turning to face Theo looking up at him with these big blue innocent eyes filled with fear and tears. "I can't have a baby." Liam said a couple tears slipping down his cheeks.

Theo didn't know what to say to that. He wanted this kid. He wanted this baby girl that was inside Liam. They'd already named her. They even had a room for her.

The chimera wanted this baby. He wanted someone to love and who'd love him back. A baby seemed like that someone.

"Liam... look at me." Theo said making the boy look up at him eyes glistening with tears his cheeks still wet with them as well. "I'm here. For you and for her." He said putting his hand on Liam's big stomach.

Maybe Liam was acting like this because Deaton had just started talking about the birth. That it was coming up soon. He had said anytime soon. Maybe four weeks he had said.

"I want this baby. My girl. Our girl. That means I'll never leave either of you." He said but Liam just shook his head.

"How do you know that? Some day you'll meet a great girl and want to marry her and have kids with her. And I'll be alone." Liam said making Theo shake his head moving so his hand was on the boy's cheek.

"I won't. I know that because... because I love you." He said making Liam sniffle and lean forward so his forehead lay against Theo's.

The two just sat there for a moment with their eyes closed. Theo had his hand on Liam's cheek the other seemed to find Liam's hand and he laced their fingers together. Liam's other hand made it to the back of Theo's neck.

They were so wrapped up in each other only paying attention to the boy in front of them. They both tuned their senses into each other smelling the others chemo signals, listening to their heart beat, and feeling the breath of each other run along their lips.

"Kiss me... please."

So Theo leaned forward and pressed his lips to the betas. Liam thought it felt amazing to finally have Theo's lips on his.

It was like they were in their own little world for that moment. Just each other, hands exploring their upper bodies as their tongues wrestled together.

But then Liam broke the kiss resting his forehead against Theo's again. He then moved his face to the crook of Theo's neck. The chimera then felt his neck get wet and he frowned concerned.

"Liam?" He said making Liam let out a whimper his hands moving to Theo's chest balling up the chimeras shirt.

"I—I love you too." Liam whispered making Theo smile wrapping his arms around Liam's body.

It was a bit hard because of Liam's stomach but they eventually got to a nice position. Liam lay on his side on top of Theo. He had his head on the chimeras chest as the green eyed boy played with his hair. Liam sniffled a few times his hand rubbing his belly lightly.

"I'm sorry I even thought I didn't want you Adeline." Liam whispered Theo barely heard it but smiled when he did.


Sorry I suck at updatesssss
But I've got a secret for you...

(the babies are coming next chapter) shhhhhhhh

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