Chapter 17

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Derek woke up three days later in the Hale house. He moved in there permanently after Lucas and Talia were born. After Adeline was born Liam had come into Derek's room with a mini freak out about where he would live with her and Theo. 

He talked about not wanting to burden Derek at all since the man had the twins on his own and everything. But Derek had just turned over to face the boy telling him he was an idiot if he thought he had to move out. Derek had built this house specifically for the pack to live in.

After Derek got back to his normal, ish, self everything seemed to be okay. Life went on, pack members got married, had kids, got careers, and as the pack got bigger Derek made himself a job. He started building two other houses around the old Hale house. It was his land, well technically Peter's, so he was going to expand. 

Make sure there was enough room for the pack, their kids, and any friends. It took him a few years but it was fun and some of the pack helped out. Derek rented out his old loft, plus the rest of the building, and got some extra cash. On top of the cash, he already had. He was set for life, with kids and all.

But then something very unexpected happened. Something that would change his and the pack's lives.

It was Christmas. Every Christmas the pack would always come around and stay for a week to celebrate. By now most of them had moved back to Beacon Hills to be closer or would always visit. It was a tradition to set the kids up in one of the houses while the parents got the other two. It was a way of being close. The kids loved it and the parents got their alone time, while still checking in obviously.

This particular Christmas was the one after Derek had finally started visiting Stiles' grave again. It made him a bit happier. The pack noticed it too, of course, only Melissa and the twins truly knew why he smiled more often.

But on the quiet dark Christmas eve as they were all eating turkey int he dining room of the main house there was someone outside. A man with a gun. Now he did not plan to use it what so ever for the rest of the evening. But that didn't mean there weren't a few bullets missing from earlier in the day.

The man stood in full view of the three houses right in the center of the gravel driveway. He looked at each individual car, at the lights on in the main house, at the shadows moving in the dining room window. He wore a dark trench coat, black boots, a light grey t-shirt under a black hoodie, and jeans. His gun was resting in the holster on his hip while a knife was in his boot and his knuckles were bruised. Badly bruised. Like he'd been in multiple fistfights this evening.

This man slowly made his way through the parked cars and up to the porch of the house, everyone was in. He did not move up the stairs yet though. No, he was very hesitant feeling as if he would ruin this evening for everyone inside if he made his way up those stairs. It was a fifty-fifty chance he would though. He took a deep breath pulling the black hood over his head before slowly and quietly making his way up the stairs.

He went to knock on the door but faltered hearing laughter and voices of those people inside. He couldn't do this. Not tonight, no. He turned away stepping in the wrong place and the porch floor creaked. Shit.

The laughter slowly died down as voices were hushed by others. He could hear murmurs of voices probably asking others who could be at the door. Because who could be? Everyone that had been invited was inside. So who the hell was on their porch.

The man quickly made his way down the steps gravel crunching under his feet. But he didn't get even two steps away. No all of a sudden there was a voice behind him. One that always made him stop. One that always made him smile. One that always made him think twice.

"Hello?" Derek said Scott and Theo flanking him while Chris and the sheriff stood in the doorway. The man didn't turn he just stood. "Do you need something? Who are you?"

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