Chapter 6

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Liam's parents let him lay in bed all day. That's all he wanted to do. Jenna would check on him every once and a while. He'd either be crying, asleep, or watching a movie. John checked in as well. Liam loved his parents. He felt so lucky that they're supporting him.

Stiles did the same. He stayed in bed till ten then his father came in and knelt on the floor beside his bed. Stiles turned looking at his father with a sad smile.

"Hey, son. You made perfect timing because it's my day off today." Noah said making Stiles' sad smile turn into an amused one. "I'll be in the house all day. Yell or text if you need anything. You want me to go out to the store and get anything for you?" He asked making Stiles shake his head.

"But uh, can you make the good chicken noodle soup. You know the one with the little noodles that look like worms." Stiles said making the sheriff nod standing up and heading for the door. "And dad?" Stiles said making the sheriff stop at the door. "I love you," Stiles said making Noah smile at his son.

"I love you too son," Noah said before leaving the room making sure the door was open halfway.

Stiles lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. What was going to happen now? He needed to think about all this crap.

He needed to think about whether he was going to abort the baby or keep it. And if he did keep the baby then he needed to tell Derek. He needed to tell the pack. He needed to find a place to put the baby. His house didn't have a guest room so where the hell would he put the baby? In his room? There wasn't enough space in his room.

Stiles covered his face with his hands. Then he moved his hands and lay them in his hair trying to think about everything. He needed to be there for Liam too. No matter what the other boy choose to do either.

It was going to be hard. Real hard. But he can make the right decision.


That night Stiles and his dad went over to Liam's house. Liam had called Stiles in the morning asking him if he and his father would come to a dinner with his parents. Stiles had agreed and so had his dad.

So here everyone was finally sitting down and starting dinner after Stiles and his father had gotten there. It wasn't an awkward silence but it wasn't the most comfortable silence Stiles had to sit through. But at one point in the dinner John decided to speak.

"So sheriff—" but Stiles father interrupted him before she could say anymore.

"Call me Noah." He said making Liam's father nod as Liam and Stiles continued to stare at their food as they ate.

"Noah, you found out about... the situation—" but again John was interrupted this time by Liam.

"'The situation'? Really dad?" Liam said making Stiles put a hand on his friends arm.

Liam looked over at his friend. Stiles knew it was a bit emotional for everyone and Liam's anger was twenty times anyone's in this room. Liam took a deep breath knowing Stiles was just trying to help him calm down.

"Sorry. Never mind just continue." Liam muttered digging into his food never taking his eyes off it.

"I found out yesterday. Just like you two did I heard. Stiles told me Liam had talked to you?" The sheriff said making the two parents nod. John seemed on edge about everything. Stiles could see he didn't like any of this.

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