Missing Him/Her

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Rachel's pov - Monday

I wake up today with the sound of my alarm, Finn left on Friday and I spent the whole weekend crying. I look to the right side of the bed hoping to see Finn there, but nothing. I miss him so badly. 

I get off the bed and take a shower, I have class today, as tough I just wanna lay on couch and cry. But I still need to end college so I need to go. I eat cereal and wait for Santana. She texted me saying that she was already in front of the building, so I left the apartment and go with her.

When we get in college, as always, people surround me asking things about my boyfriend, and that just makes me wanna cry, cause I miss him so much.

"Rachel did you and Finn break up? I saw in the cover of the magazine you and him crying!" A girl said and show me a magazine, is a picture of me and Finn hugging each other for the last time.

"I saw a picture of you and Finn crying, are you two still together?" Someone asked me and now I'm getting pissed and Santana noticed.

"Just ignore them, they don't know what they're talking about." Santana whisper to me.

"Rachel, I heard you and your boyfriend break up, do you wanna hang out?" A boy said to me and that comment pissed me off.

"Okay that's it, for whoever wants to know, Finn and I ARE STILL TOGETHER. So please, do not ask me out or say that we broke up, cause is a lie. Thank you." I said and get off with Santana, people really know how to piss me off.

--Finn's pov

I wake up and look to my left side, no Rachel. I miss her so much, I'll start to record the movie today and usually I get excited, but today I am just sad. I get off the bed and grab my phone and see that Rachel texted me earlier.

"Leaving to class with Santana, enjoy your first day! Love you so much and good luck 💗- Rach

"Thanks baby, enjoy your classes, love you so. ❤️- Finn" 

I put my phone on the table and sighed, I miss her so much. The days aren't that fun without her, it's been two days since I left and I already miss her tons. I need my girl to live, seriously. 

I get dressed and go to the set to start recording, I get there and see Trish, THANK GOD! It's the only person I know here.

"Finn! You're here! This is Ryan Murphy, the director of the movie and he is going to work with you for the next months." Trish said and I smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Murphy, I've heard about you before and I couldn't be more excited to have the honor to work with you." I said and he smiled and we shake hands.

"The pleasure is all mine and please call me Ryan, I'm glad that you accepted making the movie." He said and I smiled. 

After chat with Ryan for a few minutes I went to meet everyone from the cast and I gladly get along with everyone. When I was doing the make up to start recording my phone started ringing and I look the caller ID and immediately smiled.

"Hello girlfriend." I said answering the phone.

"Finn! Am I interrupting?" She asked and I giggle.

"Not at all, what do you want to talk about?" I asked her and she giggle.

"Nothing really specific, I just miss you and wanted to hear your voice. How's everything going there?" She asked.

"Well, everything is fine. Everyone in the cast is cool and the director is cool too, I didn't talked a lot with everyone yet, cause I'm not a very talkative person." I said and she giggle.

"Well, when you met me you couldn't stop talking." She said and I laugh.

"True, but that was because I liked you at first." I said and I hear her laughing, I miss that laugh so much.

"I didn't." She said and that make me laugh hard. "Can you blame me  Mr.Good Looking, Famous, Rich and Fun." She said and that made me burst out laughing.

"You still remember that?" I asked drying my tears and she giggle.

"I told you I was going to use this in my wedding vows." Rachel said giggling and I laugh.

"I don't know if I will able to say "I do" cause I'll probably burst out laughing." I said and both burst out laughing.

"Oh you better say!" She said and I laugh then I hear the bell from her college ringing.

"I will say, don't worry." I said giggling.

"Baby, I gotta go. Have fun today and talk more to everyone and make friends for God sakes!" She said giggling and I giggle.

"I will, I will...Bye, I'll call you later. I love you." I said to her.

"I love you too." She said then we hang up and I look to the phone smiling.

"Your girlfriend, hun?" The woman fixing and doing my make up and my hair asked and I smiled.

"Yes." I said smiling.

"Is she here? In New York?" She asked.

"No, we live together in Los Angeles but I came here to New York to do the movie and she is still in Los Angeles." I answered.

"Oh that's sad, is she an artist like you?" The woman asked.

"No, no. She is in college, she studies Law at UCLA and I couldn't be more proud." I said and the woman smiled to me "But fun fact, every time someone is going to interview me they always ask me about her and my fans LOVE her, and that actually makes me so happy. Cause my fans are so important to me and know that they love my favorite girl in the world, makes me so freakin happy." I said.

"Mr.Hudson, you must be an amazing boyfriend to this girl." The woman said and I laugh.

"Oh please, doesn't call me Mr.Hudson, call me Finn! What should I call you?" I asked her.

"My name is Alice." She said and I smiled.

"Oh! And about the amazing boyfriend part, I hope you're right, but a cool one I must be. At least I think I am because she is with me for almost fours years." I said and Alice giggle. 

"Really? Four years? Damn boy, that's long time and you don't seem that old to me." She said and I giggle.

"And I'm not, I date her since my senior year. I was born in Lima, Ohio and I moved to Los Angeles to my uncle's house when I was 13. Then I studied home ever since but when I was about to start my last year I decided to finish like a normal teenager, so I went back to Ohio and went to a normal school. And there I met her, the woman of my life, when we get together we are inseparable ever since." I said smiling remember our long, funny and lovely story.

"Damn, you seem love her, just the way you talk about her." Alice said and I smiled.

"I do, I love her very much. How about you Alice? Do you date someone?" I asked and she smiled.

"I'm married for 10 years and I have two kids, a boy named Kyle and a girl named Layla." She said and I smiled.

"That's cool!" I said.

I keep talking to Alice until I had to record a scene, I always rather be friends with the make up people or the producers than the actors, sometimes the actors and actress are so annoying thinking that they're better than everyone, I'm not gonna say that I never am friends with my colleagues but sometimes, I'm not. 

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