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January 23th, Rachel's pov

I wake up with the sound of Finn's phone ringing all the time, I look to him and he is still sleeping so I just grab the phone and look the caller ID and see it's Kurt and that he called 30 times.

"Kurt...what is-" I was saying but Kurt interrupted me with a squeal and I take the phone from my ear. What the hell is going on here?

"RACHEL!!! YOU GUYS DON'T SAW?????" He asked yelling.

"Saw what?" I asked confused.

"FINN! HE WAS NOMINATED FOR AN OSCAR! FUCKING OSCAR!" Kurt yelled and my eyes wide.

"WHAT?!" I yelled and the huge body next to me groan and put his pillow over his ears.

"I'M SERIOUS!! GRAB YOUR COMPUTER AND CHECK YOURSELF!" Kurt yelled, the emotion is all over the place and both can't stop yelling to each other. I quickly get off the bed and I hear Finn complaining about that but I just run to the living room and grab the MacBook that was on the table and opened. I searched from 'Oscar nominations' and I opened the list. And there it was, one of his movies that was a huge success had a lot of nominations, but the most important, Finn's name on the list of Best Actor nominations.

"AAAAAAAAA!!!!" I yelled in shock on the phone, tears formed in my eyes and I smiled big, I'm so proud of him and Finn come to the living room with wide eyes and still sleepy. "KURT I GOTTA GO HE IS HERE!!!" I yelled excited and Kurt squealed again.

"GO TELL HIM!!!" Kurt squealed excited and hang up the phone.

"Why the hell all those yells when is only 2:37am?! You almost killed me and you were just talking to Kurt." He complained but I just run ti him and jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and hug him tight, as though he is confused, he just wrap his arms around my waist and hug me back.

"I'm so proud if you!!!!" I said excited and grab his face with both hands and give him thousands of kissed all over his face.

"What?" He asked confused and I rest my forehead against his and smile looking into his eyes, my heart is beating so fast that I can't even organize a sentence.

"!" I said trying to talk, but I'm just so emotional that I can't talk properly.

"Me, Oscar, best, nominated? Ahn?" He said confused but a few seconds he wide eyes "WHAT?!" He yelled and I nod hard.

"Come here." I said and get off his lap and grab his hand and lead him to the table and show him the computer's screen and he read and smile seeing how many indications his movie had but then he saw his name on the Best Actor part and he smiled so fucking big and his eyes were full with tears like mine.

"YES!!!!" He said throwing his arms on the air celebrating and I smile to him.

"I'm so proud of you!" I said excited and he just grab me by the waist and hug my tight lifting me from the floor and I wrap my arms around his neck and he spin my around the living room and both of us laughing uncontrollably.

"I'm so happy right now!" I said smiling to him when he stopped spinning. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He said smiling and we kissed passionately. "I know the perfect idea for celebrate this." He said smirking and I smiled and wrap my legs around him and he lead us to the bedroom and we make love until the sun come.

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