My Man Is Back

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Rachel's pov - 3 months later


This must be the greatest day ever!!!! Today Finn is finally coming back from New York, for real, not just the weekend. I love him and miss him so much. It's been three months since I saw Finn for the last time cause he came here to our anniversary, he is the best, isn't he?

Now is like 7:30pm and Finn's flight land here in Los Angeles at 9:00pm so I go take a shower cause I'm going to pick Finn up in the airport. It's December, so is starting to get cold here in Los Angeles, so I take a shower and dress a black jeans, with a grey sweater, black boots, my Finn necklace, a black and white scarf and a black purse. I look to the clock and now is 8pm, so I leave the apartment and go to the car.

After about 30 minutes I finally get in the airport and Santana is here with me. We go to the gate that Finn is going to come and there are tons of paparazzi's there.

"Oh God." I said scared with the big number of paparazzi's and fans that are waiting for Finn.

"Your boyfriend is really the man." Santana said and I giggle.

"He is." I said.

"How he is going to get on us?" Santana asked.

"I have no idea, I am just scared how the hell people know that he is going to be here." I said and Santana giggle.

Santana and I stayed there for about forty minutes, so the plane must be already here. So he will call me anytime now to say that he is here, he always call. About 5 minutes later my phone started ringing and I look the caller ID and like I've said, it's him.

"Hey babe!" I said answering the phone.

"Hey! So I already get off the plane, I'm just waiting for my baggages." He said.

"So, I think I should warn you that, there are A LOT of people waiting for you here, fans and paparazzis and when I say a lot, I mean, A LOT. There is a crowd in here, if you don't see Santana and I, just know that we are here but there are a lot of people." I said and I heard him giggling from the other side of the line, my heart is beating so fast to know that he is in the same place that I am.

"Don't worry, I'll find you." He said.

"Are you sure? I am very shorty." I said and he laugh.

"Don't you think I know that? But is pretty cute, if I don't find you, you're with Santana so she can literally beat everyone there and you two can come to me." He said and I laugh hard.

"True. Okay, grab your damn baggages already cause I can't wait to see you." I said and he giggle.

"See ya soon, love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said and hang up, I can't wait to have him here again, to wake up everyday with him and go sleep with him.

After 10 minutes, Santana and I are talking and we are outside the crowd and we hear yells and we are trying to see if is Finn.

"I can see his head!!" Santana said excited and pointed and I keep looking and I finally see his head.

"It's really him!" I said excited.

"Do you want to try to get into this crowd and get closer to him?" Santana asked, there are a lot of people.

"I think that would only make things harder. Let's just wait for him here." I said, I couldn't be more excited to hug him again. He is giving autographs and taking pictures with a few people but I can see that he is looking for us. But is kind of hard to him cause there are the security guards and fans and flashes.

"We should've been wearing neon clothes." Santana said and I laugh.

"Next time we need to remember that." I said laughing.

Finn's pov

When I pass through the gates I heard the yells and the flashes on my face, damn!!!! A bunch of securities guards stay around me while I try to pass through the crowd. I give autographs and take a few pictures. I keep trying to find Rachel and Santana, she told me they were outside the crowd.

"If anyone see Rachel and Santana, please tell me." I told the security guards, they know them cause they work for me for years, since I was a teenager, I trust them.

"I can see them!" One of them said and point to a spot, after a few minutes I see them. I CAN SEE THEM!!!! MY RACHIE IS RIGHT THERE.

"Help me to get there. NOW." I said desperately, without taking my eyes of Rachel, I'm afraid if I blink when I open my eyes she won't be there anymore. Just now she noticed that I found her and she smiled very big.

Rachel's pov

I'm still waiting for him to find us and when I look to him again, he is looking right to me smiling and I smiled very very big.

"Oh my God!!! He is coming!!" I said to Santana freaking out and she smiled.

"Your man is back!!" She said happy and I smiled excited without taking my eyes of his hazel eyes.

"My man is back!!!" I said excited.

Finn's pov

Rachel is looking at me smiling and Santana told her something that make her even more excited, my eyes are locked with hers, it's impossible not to look those big brown eyes.

I finally get out off the crowd and I just run and hug her so fucking tight and she hugs me back. I take her out the floor and my arms are around her tiny waist and her arms are around my neck. I don't care that everyone is watching, I just got my girl back, for real.

"I missed you so much." I said still hugging her, I'm going to stay like that for a while.

"I missed you too." She said and I kissed her passionately and slowly put her on the floor again, but without breaking the kiss.

A few minutes later we break the kiss to get our air back and hugged her again, a kiss worth more than thousand of words. I missed her so much, having her in my arms every day and every night.

"I can't believe that you're here." She said still hugging me and I hugged her back.

"Gosh, I missed you so much." I said to her. After a few minutes later we break the hug and I hug Santana, I missed her sassy and protective personality, who doesn't know Santana thinks that she is a Class A bitch, but she is an amazing friend. 

I put my arm around Rach and we go to the limo, and the three of us went to a restaurant have a dinner cause I was hungry after the long trip. After the dinner we left Santana at her house and me and Rachel went to ours. When we get in the house, I take a shower and wear my sweatpants and stayed shirtless, like always. Rach is on her pajamas that is a very very short shorts that drive me crazy and one of my shirts, she looks so fucking hot like always, gosh I missed her. I lay on the bed next to her and pull her closer to me.

"I'm exhausted." I said to her and she snuggled in me. She is with her left leg between my legs and she is hugging me and I am with my arms around her.

"I missed this." She said and I giggle.

"Me too." I said and she peck my lips to say good night but I deepen the kiss, I missed that so much. Then before we realize we were both already naked.

"Weren't you exhausted?" She asked me and I giggle.

"It seems that I'm not tired enough." I said and kissed her again and one thing take to another.

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