Boyfriend Of The Year

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Finn's pov

I got home after my little visit at Tiffany's and now I have to decide where I'm going to hide this box, in the middle of my clothes? Nah, to easy. After a few minutes thinking, I decided to hide in my wardrobe, but not in an easy place, is in a very high place that Rachel would never reach and is behind a few stuff, she will never find out.

After my mission number 1 is finished now is time to my mission number 2, I need to receive everyone in the airport, damn being a good boyfriend it's hard, but I'll do anything for my shorty.

I called the limo driver and I told him that I would need him to pick me up here and about 10 minutes later he gets here. Johnathan, the limo driver, is with me since I first get in LA, I was only 13.

While I'm waiting for the elevator a wave of happiness hit my body, today is definitely one of the best days of my life, no doubt of that. I need to tell someone about what I did today, I can't keep it to myself.

I get in the elevator and after 30 seconds, the elevator land in the lobby and I left the building and get in the limo and told John that we're going to the airport.

I get in the airport and check my phone and I saw a message from my mom that she sent last night before get in the airplane, she told the gate that I suppose to get them and that the flight from Lima would go to New York, then come to Los Angeles. Fun fact, about two months after I leave New fucking York, Blaine and Kurt moved to there. Seriously? They could've moved earlier!!! Okay, no time to be mad. So they all are going to be in the same flight, Puck, my parents, Kurt and Blaine.

Puck actually lives is San Diego, not so far from us so we see him constantly, but he were in Lima to visit his family. Puck is like an older brother to Rachel, they know each other since always and their relationship is beautiful. Puck is like another brother that life gave me, I met him when I comeback to Lima to the senior year and when I started to hang out with Rachel I met him and we became, like he likes to say, "bros". And I'm sure he is going to be the one that I'm going to tell about the thing that I bought earlier.

When I was looking for the gate I was stopped for a few fans and I take pictures with them and give autographs, that's definitely one of the best things in this job, make people happy doing what I love. I get in front of the gate and in about 30 minutes should be here, so I go to the Starbucks and buy hot chocolate for me, it's January, so it's still cold.

After exactly 30 minutes their flight land here in LA and now is just wait for them come out. I love when my family comes to visit, it's always so much fun.

About 20 minutes just waiting for them they finally pass through the gates and I smile, but then I frown my eyebrows cause there are way more people than I thought it would have, they're talking with people who seems latinos...OHHH!!! Santana's family!!!! Gosh, I'm sorry for the people that were in that flight, my family with Santana's family, they must have talked A LOT! My mom and Santana's mom are close friends and everyone there are friends.

"Hey everybody!" I said smiling to the big group of people. Then I heard a lot of people saying 'Finn!' I'm not sure which them were. I need to lead a group of 13 people and I'm confused and I can't screw things up. There are, mom, Burt, Kurt, Blaine, Kurt, Santana's mom and dad, her abuela, three cousins and an aunt and one uncle.

I hugged everyone and now I need take Santana's family to her house then my family to my house.

"Okay, hm...Let's do like this, with you guys and me we have 15 people and one limousine, the limo is big so afford everyone here. First we're going to take the Lopez family to Santana's apartment then the rest come to my apartment. Okay?" I said, I'm feeling that I'm one of those guys who guide kids in Disneyland parks. Everyone agreed with me and we get out of the airport and when I go to the parking lot I saw Johnathan waiting for us and his eyes wide with the quantity of people. He opened the door and everyone get in the limo and I explain to him everything and he nod and I get in the car.

During the whole way I go chatting with Santana's abuela and her abuelo, they're so funny. When we get in front of Santana's building I get off the car with them cause the guards already know who I am, cause Rachel and I go there frequently. I take them to the apartment and grab the key Santana hide under the carpet and opened the door. I make a little tour them the big apartment, the last time they came visit were about two years ago and Santana lived in another apartment. After the tour they thank me, I love Santana's family, and I get out the apartment and close the door.

When I get in the elevator I sighed heavily, it's like I'm plugged somewhere, cause Gosh, you need energy to lead those families. I get in the car again and rest my head in the backseat.

Buy Rachel's ring, checked. Pick up the family at the airport, checked. I still have to go to Armani's and grab my suit, I bought a new one just to wear it today, I have a things for suits, I have tons of them, Rachel always complains but I know she loves my suits. I'm a guy that in my home I'm always with my sweatpants and no shirt and with the messy hair, sweatpants is another thing I always buy, I use all the time. But when is something important to me, I always want to look good and today is one of the most important days in my life cause is my girl's graduation.

And after I get my suit I have to assure that everyone is ready in time, another mission. Gosh today I should receive the award of boyfriend of the year. Oh! And I still need to buy flowers for Rach, at least earlier when I was at Tiffany's I bought a bracelet to give her as a graduation gift.

Everyone was talking about how this is going to be 'my year', hell yeah this is going to be my year. I was nominated for tons of awards as Best Actor, SAG awards, Critics choice award, Emmy, Golden Globes and Oscar. And the my movie was nominated to another tons of categories too. But for me, as tough all those nominations are a dream coming true, this is going to be my year cause I'm going to ask Rachel to marry me.

"How is the feeling, Finn?" Blaine asked and I wake up from my daydreams.

"Which feeling?" I asked confused.

"The feeling of being nominated to all those awards!" Kurt said and I giggle.

"Unreal." I said looking outside the window "It feels that anytime someone is going to wake me up and I'm going to be 12 again and all of this would be nothing but a dream."

"But is real son and you deserve." Burt said and I half smile.

Johnathan stops in front of the building and I give my key to Kurt and they go to the apartment and now Johnathan take me to Armani to I grab my suit.

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