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Rachel's pov - A month later

I wake up with my phone ringing, what the hell? I look to the window and is dark, I look to the clock and it's still 3am. I take my phone and see the caller ID, Finn. I answered the phone very confused cause I'm so tired.

"Finn?" I said with a sleepy voice and yawning.

"Hey baby, I know is frustrating that is being hard us to talk because we are always busy." Finn said and Rachel is still confused.

"And you thought that the best time for us to talk is at 3:00am?" I asked him.

"OH SHIT! I totally forgot about the timezone." He said and Rachel giggle a little "It's 6:00am here in New York, sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay love, I miss talking to you. Is sucks that every time we try to talk, the conversation last  5 minutes cause one of us need to go." I said and Finn sighed.

"Yeah, I miss you." Finn said.

"I miss you too." I said to him.

"Now I'm going to hang up cause you gotta sleep." Finn said and Rachel giggle.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too, sleep well." Finn said and we hang up. I put my phone at the hardboard and look to the right side of the bed and started to cry. I miss having Finn here so much, I get off the bed and walk to the wardrobe and grab one of his shirts and lay on the bed again and smell it, it have his sent.

I don't like to cry when I'm talking to Finn, cause he is already over so much pressure in New York and I want when he talks to me he just feels like in a Safe Heaven, that he shouldn't worry about nothing. I miss him so much, is frustrating talk with him 15 minutes in a whole day, is frustrating grab my phone and see that he called and I couldn't answer at the time or when I call him and it's his voicemail that talks to me. I just want my boyfriend back, is it too much to ask? It's already a month and I hate this, hate being away from him, hate not being able to hug and kiss him. 

I just miss my man so much.

Finn's pov

After we hang up, I look to the ceiling and a tear slip my face. I miss her so much, so fucking much, I'm nothing without my shorty with me. Working in this movie is being great, except the part of being away from my Rach. The cast is awesome and the whole team is great too, the producers, costume designers, directors...Everyone is great. It would be even more awesome if the movie were recorded in Los Angeles. 

I miss her so much, is frustrating when I call her and she doesn't answer or when she calls me and I can't answer makes me mad, cause all I want to do is talk to her more than 15 minutes in a day. It's hard to stay away from the person that you love.

I just miss my lady so much.

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