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Next Day

I woke up feeling like the happiest man alive, cause I'm sure I am. I am engaged, fucking engaged and I won a fucking oscar!!!!! And I honestly couldn't be happier, I am going to marry Rachel soon, I can finally say that she is my fiancée, I love how it sounds.

I look to my arms and see her there, sleeping peacefully, with no worries in the world. I love to watch her sleep, actually, I love everything about her. I smiled when I noticed that both are still naked after our awesome and full with love night.

"Morning fiancé." She said smiling and I lean in and kiss her very passionately.

"Morning fiancée, wow, I've been waiting for awhile to call you that." I said and she laugh and cuddle with me, this is my favorite part of the day, no matter how many awards I won in a day or how many contracts I sign, my favorite time is being cuddling on bed with Rach, my soon to be wife.

"I don't wanna wait to marry you, I wanna do it already!" She said admiring her ring and I smiled very big.

"Me too baby girl, me too." I said and she smiled "I mean, we are in February. What do you think to get married on spring?" I asked her and I see a huge grin crossing her face.

"Amazing idea." She said and I smiled, I'm happy that she agreed, I love spring, is such a good time, the weather and the flowers, perfect.

"We should call Kurt then!" I said and she laughed and I grab my phone that was next to the bed and disk the number and after two rings he answered the phone and I put the call on the speaker for Rachel heard better.

"Hello brother, Oscar winner and soon to be husband of a lovely woman." Kurt said when he answered the phone and that made Finn and Rachel laugh.

"Hey Kurt! Saw you yesterday but already miss you." Rachel said and Kurt chuckle from the other side.

"Miss you too girl, how is everything doing so far? Did my brother already fucked up with the plans?" Kurt asked and they laugh.

"He didn't fucked up anything...yet." Rachel said and the three of us burst out laughing.

"Hey! I won't ruin anything!" I said. "Anyway, Kurt we need to ask you something and you gotta promise that you won't freak out."

"SAY IT ALREADY!" Kurt yelled.

"Do you think you're able to plan a wedding to this spring?" Rachel asked carefully.

"OH MY GOD!!! YES!!! I WILL MAKE THE BEST SPRING WEDDING EVER!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS I NEED TO START ASAP! LOVE YA BYE!" Kurt yelled trough the phone and hang up and Rachel and I started to laugh.

Then I look to my Rachie and she is staring at the ceiling with a grin and that just made my smile grow bigger, and without any warning I pull her closer to me and now she is lying on top of me with her face buried in my neck.

"We are getting married." I said wrapping my arms around her very tight and she let out a chuckle then take her face out of my neck and look right into my eyes smiling big and with watery eyes, I know is tears of joy.

"We are getting married!" She said and kissed me passionately then one thing take to another and everyone knows what comes next.

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