A Wedding

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A month later - April 18th

I woke up today feeling the luckiest girl in the world!! I look to the clock next to my bed and it's 8:30am, the hairdresser and the makeup artist should be here soon and so is Santana, who is my maid of honor and Carole and Kurt should be here soon too, they will help me to get married.

I am in a hotel cause Kurt insisted that I had to be away from Finn the night before the wedding, I miss him tough.

I take a shower and put on my robe and grab my phone, I wanna call Finny. He is probably sleeping right now, but I just wanna hear the sound of his voice. After two rings he pick up his phone and for my surprise, he doesn't sounds tired.

"Hello soon-to-be wife! Everything okay?!" He said excited trough the phone and I smiled.

"Everything great! I just wanted to hear your voice, I miss you." I said and I can hear his chuckle "It's kind of hard to have a good night of sleep without you in the bed."

"Don't even tell me about it, I miss your tiny body." He said and I laugh.

"Can you believe that is finally today? I mean, it took ages!" I said excited.

"Right?! It feels like that we are engaged for years!" Finn said, Gosh I love this goofy so much. "We are finally getting married!"

We kept talking for others 10 minutes but then I hear a knock on my door. I am excited cause I will start to get ready, but sad cause I will have to hang up with Finn.

"Babe, they're here, I gotta go." I said.

"It's okay baby, I see ya at 3pm." He said and I smiled.

"See ya, love you." I said.

"Love you too." He said and we hang up, I get off the bed and opened the door and everyone walks in and I smiled.

"Hey!!" I said excited and Kurt, Carole, Santana, Sarah (hairdresser, just made her lol) and Dove (makeup artist, just made her too) walk in.

"The woman of the day!!!" Carole said and hugged me. I hugged everyone else and smiled big, it's finally happening. Dove and Sarah are actually close friends cause they fix my hair and do my makeup since I came to Los Angeles and started to go with Finn to everywhere.

"Are you excited?!" Sarah asked and my smile grows even bigger.

"Words don't cover what I am feeling, I am so excited. I couldn't be happier." I said smiling.

"So let's get ready!" Dove said excited and I sit on a chair and close my eyes and wait to the magic be done.

Finn and I are having an outdoor wedding, I couldn't be more excited. Kurt didn't show me anything about how is everything there, so I actually have no clue about the decoration of the place of where is going to be the ceremony and the party.

I actually wished my mom and dad were here to see me got married, my always used to say that he would walk with m throw the aisle and that he would dance with me. But I know he will all of that with me, but now he is in my heart.

——Ceremony——Finn's POV

I'm here on the altar, waiting for her, to my future wife. The melody starts to play and she appear with arm interlocked with Puck.

My world stopped, my knees are now jelly and my eyes oceans. I can't keep my emotion, tears started to roll my cheek and I give a half smile to Rachel and she smiled big to me.

 I can't keep my emotion, tears started to roll my cheek and I give a half smile to Rachel and she smiled big to me

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She is looking like an angel, the most perfect woman I have even seen in my life, she is just so...WOW! The dress is perfect, like she have said. I don't know how I end up being so lucky to have her.

I wipe my tears but they can't stop falling, I am so in love with this woman coming right into my direction that I don't have words to explain.

Puck hand her hand to me and I grab it then he leave and I kissed her cheek softly and look into her eyes and she cup my face and wipe my tears.


"Now is time for the vows. Mr.Hudson you may start." The priest said and I took a deep breathe.

"I had a whole speech prepared to say right now, but look at you made me forget all the words *chuckles* now I am just going to say whatever my heart tells me. My whole life I've been waiting for the day that I would find my soulmate, my true love, that kind of love that I heard about my whole life and have never found it. But one day, I was just looking for my class and suddenly my life changed completely, I bumped into a petite brunette and immediately I knew she were something else in my life. With time, this petite brunette became my best friend, I trusted in her with my life. Then she became my girlfriend and made me the happiest girl alive and now she is about to become my wife. Rachel, I could make movies about love but I would never understand them completely until I met you. Rach, you are the best thing in my life. You are the one who I share my deepest secrets and insecurities and the one I share my brightest smiles and truthful laughs. The one I share my happy and sad moments, the one I share my suckiest jokes, the one I share all my love, the one I share a bed, the one that I share my life in the past four and a half years. And is with you that I want to share everything for the rest of my life. There is no Finn without Rachel and there is no Rachel without Finn, cause you're my other half, you are my soulmate and today, standing in front of you today, I promise to be yours forever, I love you." I said looking right into her eyes and I sobbed while I talked cause I was crying a lot, Rachel had tears all over her cheeks too. I am madly in love with her.

"Mrs.Berry, you may say your vows." The priest said and Rachel take a deep breathe and wipe her tears and smiled to me.

"Today is the happiest day in my life, the day that finally you become my husband and I become your wife and I couldn't be happier. When we met, I would never ever say that in some point of my life I would be on an altar and you would be next to me. But then I met the real Finn Hudson, the one who I fall in love more everyday. Everyone should have a chance to know you in some point of their lives, cause you're the greatest person I have ever met, you have the sweetest heart in the world, you're the kindest man ever. You are one in a million, your stupid jokes, your goofy smiles, the cute face that you do when you're confused, I love everything about you and the things that you hate, are the things that I love the most. I love your beautiful half smile. I love when you show your dimples when you laugh. I love the way that you look so happy and relax when is driving a car. I love the way that you make me feel every morning when I wake up and every night before I sleep. I love you. And I can't wait to start our forever." Rachel said looking into my eyes and we were both crying now.

"Finn Christopher Hudson, Do you take Rachel Rose Berry as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked and Finn smiled.

"I do." He said with a genuine smile and I wink to her.

"Rachel Rosie Berry, Do you take Finn Christopher Hudson as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked and she smiled genuinely.

"I do." She said smiling to me.

"I pronounce you now Mr and Mrs Hudson, you may now kiss the bride." The priest said and I put my hands on Rachel's back and lean in her and she cup my face and we kissed passionately and everyone applauded.

"I love you Mrs.Hudson." I said fo her and she smiled.

"I love you too Mr.Hudson." She said and we kissed again.

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