Organizing Everything

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I get home after grab my suit and when I walk in the apartment, looks like a tornado passed by. There are clothes, food and a lot of stuff everywhere.

"What the hell happened to my apartment?" I asked in shock.

"A lot of people in one place." Burt answered and go to his bedroom, the apartment is very big. There is my room with Rachel's that is the bigger bedroom, and four guest bedrooms. We bought this apartment thinking about the future, kids maybe all over here or to times like this, when family come over.

"But how?! I left you guys alone here for less than an hour!" I said.

"I never thought I would live enough to see my son worried about the mess." My mom said.

"No, this apartment is not going to be like this. Everyone needs to help me to clean this mess, cause soon the team that is going to organize the party is going to get here and needs to be perfect for Rachel and Santana's party!" I said freaking out, I'm not good with this kind of stuff and shocks me that Rachel trusted me with everything.

After everyone organize the apartment, I grab my phone and order Chinese food for lunch. After everybody ate, everyone besides me is watching a movie. I came to my room take a nap, I needed this.

After sleep for about 30 minutes. The ceremony starts at 6pm, so that means that we need to e there at 5:30pm, so that means that we need to leave at 5pm, and now is 2pm. So the people that will organize the party will be here anytime. And exactly like I was thinking, the bell ring, I get off the bed and go answer the door.

When I opened the door I was right, there are a lot of people with stuff to organize everything. I go upstairs with them and lead them from where the party is going to be, like I've said the apartment is huge. It's a penthouse, that's why is bigger than comum apartments. Then people from the buffet is get here and I show them everything. It's going to be actually a big party, cause won't be just us families, there are a lot of friends from high school that will come and friends from college, but they're going to stay in hotels, thankfully!

I look to my clock and it's 2:45pm and my security guards, that are friends, get here, I asked them to stay here to keep an eye in everything while people are getting everything ready, don't blame for not trust in strangers in my home while I'm not here.

I was watching while everything is getting ready, everything NEEDS to be perfect. I just don't wanna disappoint Rachel, she already did a lot for me and this is the least I can do for her.

When I look to my clock I see it's 3pm, so I think is time for I say to everyone get ready, I can't be a minute late, like I've said before, everything needs to be perfect. So I go downstairs and grab the tv remote and turn the tv off.

"Hey!" They complained about the same time and I turn clap my hands.

"Time for everyone get ready! Go, go, go." I said and everyone get off the couch.

"Yes sir!" The joked and I giggle.

"Sorry for being harsh with you guys today, everything needs to be perfect and I know that my mom and Kurt can take ages to finish getting ready and we can't be late cause we still have to pass at Santana's to pick her family up." I nervously said and everyone went to their rooms to get ready.

I take a COLD shower to relax my nerves, tomorrow I will spend my whole day laid on the bed with my girl, my Rachie. I get out the shower and it's 3:30pm, wow, no kidding that Rachel always says that I take ages on the shower, but I am huge so it takes time. 

I dress my new suit, and my shoes and fix my hair in a perfect toupet. I finish getting ready and go once more to see how everything is going upstairs. Now is 4pm, so we have an hour. After I check everything I comeback to the living room and sit on the couch and grab my phone and see that Rachel called me about 15 minutes ago. So I grab my phone and called her and after about two rings she answered me.

"Hey babe." She said answering the phone, just hear her soft voice makes my stress go away.

"Hey, I saw that you called me, need something?" I asked her and she giggle.

"Actually not, I just wanted to hear your voice." She said and I giggle.

"Believe me, I needed to hear your voice. I think I'm on the edge of having a heart attack." I said and she laughs hard then take a sip of her soda.

"Why?" She asked still giggling.

"Oh, where should I start? When I get in the airport I wasn't in charge for 5 people like I thought, it were 13!" I said and she laughed.

"13?? How did that happened?" She asked laughing.

"Lima is so small that Santana's family were in the same flight." I said and Rachel laugh again and that makes me giggle. I keep talking with Rach until she had to hang up, I turn the tv on and watch an episode from friends and look to my clock, it's 4:50pm, Burt, Puck and Blaine were waiting with me in here and after about 5 minutes my mom and Kurt are finally ready, right on time.

"Finally! Okay, you guys can go down already, I need Puck's help with something so you guys can go to the car and wait for us there." I said and Blaine, Kurt, mom and Burt left the apartment, when I saw the elevator's door close I look to Puck smiling and he looks st me confused.

"I need to show you something that I bought earlier, and you need to promise me that you won't tell to anyone." I said to him and he looks confused.

"I promise." He said.

"Come with me." I said and he follow me to my room, and opened the wardrobe and catch the little green box that were in the highest stand of the wardrobe.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked while I try to grab the box and I finally catch the box.

"I need to tell this to someone, I can't keep the happiness to myself and you're the only one that I know that won't say a word about this." I said and Puck looks confused and I take the little box that I was hiding behind me and he wide eyes and I opened revealing a ring, he wide eyes and smiled big.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked smiling and I smiled big.

"Yeah dude, I'm going ask Rachel to marry me." I said smiling big and he smiled big.

"Dude!!!!! That's a huge deal!!! I'm proud of you man!" He said and hugged me tap my back and I hugged him back. "When you're going to do it?"

"I have no idea, I want to do something special to her. It was right after she left to her last day in college, something hit me and I knew that I had to buy it. Do you think she will like it?" I asked Puck and he smiled.

"She will love it, trust me. I'm so happy and proud of you man." He said and we hugged again, then I just put the box where it was before "By the way, great idea hide the ring there, even if she wanted to, she could never reach this." Puck said and I laugh.

"Thanks man." I said smiling and close the wardrobe door.

Then we go to the elevator and I couldn't stop smiling, I'm excited.

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