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Bill's P.O.V.

I hopped on Y/n's bike. My head was spinning out of control. I didn't find it appropriate to hold her waist so I hung unstably at the back of her bike. The wheel hit a pebble and I nearly fell off. I wiggled, trying to regain my balance. Y/n must've noticed because she yelled.

Y/n: Hold on!

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her waist. A crimson blush crept up my neck. My vision was getting blurry. I could feel my conscious slowly slipping away. I shut my eyes.

Sooner rather than later, we stopped. I didn't bother to open my eyes. I felt too weak. I felt Y/n take my arm and wrap it across her shoulders. She hoisted me up and helped me to walk. We climbed the stairs and she set me down. I flickered my eyes open. I was in a cold, white and blue room. A bathroom. I scanned the room looking for Y/n. She was nowhere to be found. A wave of panic washed over me. Where was she? Did she leave me? My breaths quickened as anxiety took over. At that moment, the door opened and the h/c girl walked in. Thank God!

She slid a pillow beneath my head.

Y/n: You're Okay. You're fine. I'm here.

Those soothing words resonated in my head. I'm fine.

She got out a first aid kit. She clicked the metal box open and kneeled beside me on the floor. She set some bottles and tissues near my head and locked the door. She started by treating my forehead. Henry's blade had slashed my left temple. She got out some disinfectant and dabbed some onto a cotton pad. The tingling sensation sent a pain across my forehead. I winced and clenched my fists. I saw her biting her bottom lip. She then stuck a large plaster onto the cut.
After that she got out some cream and applied it to my jaw.

Y/n: Can I...

She hesitantly motioned to my stomach.
I weakly nodded. She slowly lifted my shirt. Both our cheeks flushed red. She squeezed a dollop of cream on her palm. She then gently rubbed circles onto my bruised stomach. The hair on my body stood up. Chills travelled access my spine. At my surprise, I enjoyed it. She packed up the medical box and pulled my shirt down.

Y/n: Can you stand up?

Bill: Y-yeah...I th-think

My stutter had just gotten worse. She helped me up, unlocked the door and walked to her bedroom. I laid down on her bed. I examined the familiar room. Last time I had been here, Henry had hit her. I had flashbacks of her crying. My heart sunk. She locked her door and sat at my feet. She looked down at her hands. She took a deep breath and stared back at me.

Y/n: I-I'm so sorry, Bill

Her eyes were watery as she bit her bottom lip.

Bill: For W-what?

Y/n: I can't help but think that Henry attacked you because of me

I shook my head.

Bill: Don't blame yourself. H-Hes a jerk

She let out a weak chuckle and nodded.

Y/n: I swear to god, I'm going to kill him

Bill: Please don't. Please stay away from him. I don't know what I would do if he hurt you

My cheeks redened as I realised what I had just said. She smiled discreetly. She thoughtfully looked back at me. As if she was thinking about something. Suddenly she smashed her lips onto mine.

Bill Denbrough x reader: Bitter SweetWhere stories live. Discover now