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Two days later

I was in my room and it was about 10am. As I sung along carelessly to music, I heard the door bell ring.

"Get it!", Belch yelled from his room. I sighed and turned off the music to go answer the door. It was probably just Richie asking for a comic or something.

I swung the door open and stared in surprise at the man in front of me. He wore a navy blue and white suite with a red tie. In his left hand, he carried a brief case. He looked like an undercover spy you'd see in movies.

He held out a hand professionally.

"Neville Owens, from the C.A.A.N. Are you Deborah Huggins?", He said in an emotionless voice.

"No, I'm her daughter.What's wrong? What's the C.A.A.N.?"

"Child Abuse Action Network. We sent a letter"

My heartbeat quickened as my hands started shaking. We never opened mail. It just stayed in a pile.

"May I come in?", He asked.


He carefully examined the house. I guessed that it smelled of beer but I was so used to it that I was immune.
He sat on the old couch.

"Is your brother here?"

I just stared at him blankly, still processing everything.

"Uh-yes...I'll get him"

I ran up the stairs and knocked.

"Belch we have a guest", I yelled from across the door. He followed me downstairs.

"Hello, Neville Owens, from the C.A.A.N. You must be Belch Huggins"

"What do you want?", He sighed.

"Is your mother home?"

"Nope. Why are you here?", He spat as I stood near the coffee table.

"A certain Miss Lahey called us two days ago claiming that she saw your mother punch you", the man explained, "is that true?"

Belch and I glanced at eachother for a second before he nodded.

"Is that where your bruise can from?", Mr Owens asked.

"Uh huh"

Mom came wobbling in a few minutes later. Mr Owens told us to go upstairs while he talked to her. Turns out that we were living in an 'unhealthy' environment which was not news to me. We were to be taken away from our mother and put into foster care. After mountains of paperwork, mom agreed to let us go. We were to be sent to live with a loving couple in Indiana in a week.

As soon as I was told it was official, I hopped on my bike and went straight to Bill's house.

"Hey, love. Bill's in his room", Mrs Denbrough smiled kindly.

I ran up the stairs in tears.

"W-What's wrong?", He asked.

"I-I-I'm moving", I sobbed into my hands.

He wrapped his arms around me and let me cry on his bed. I could feel his tears wet my hair.

Bill Denbrough x reader: Bitter SweetWhere stories live. Discover now