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Y/n's P.O.V.

We continued to play until Mrs Denbrough called us downstairs for dinner. Bill and I sat beside each other across from his parents. His mom set a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs on the table. We each took turns filling our plate with the dish.

We ate and talked about things such as school. Throughout the dinner, Bill would grab my hand under the table and wink at me.

Mrs Denbrough: Is everyone done?

We all nodded. Mrs Denbrough got up and started bringing the leftovers to the kitchen. She put the bowl on the counter and wiped her hands on her apron.

Bill suddenly got up and offered me his hand. I stood up next to him and held his hand.

Bill: Mom, Dad, we have something to tell you. Y/n and I are dating.

Mrs Denbrough let out a shriek and hugged me tightly.

Mrs Denbrough: Finally! I'm so happy for you two

Mr Denbrough: That's great

Y/n: I'll help you with the dishes, Mrs Den- Sharon

Mrs Denbrough: Thank you

The two of us entered the kitchen and started piling the plates in the dishwasher.

Mrs Denbrough: Y/n?

Y/n: Yes?

Mrs Denbrough: Do me a favour. Try not to break his heart. He's fragile, you know

I smiled warmly.

Y/n: I'll do my best. I swear

Mrs Denbrough: Thank you. It will be nice to have another girl in this house. I bet you and I will get on well.

Y/n: Me too

Bill Denbrough x reader: Bitter SweetWhere stories live. Discover now